Will I ever do it right.


Full Member
I have piled the weight back up again ans was going to go TFR again. I know you can't be doing it all the time and this would be my 4th time doing it. I always end up putting the weight back on.
This is due to my inability to control my food intake, I know I'm pychologically attached to food and shouldn't be, but that's my lot.
What I find really difficult is that if I had a dependency on drugs or alcohol there would be help available and the doctor would be more obliging, but as it's weight related all I get is..eat healthily and exercise. I know this but it just seems to elude me. I also have other health issues that make exercising difficult, but getting my weight down does help.
Presently, I am stuck in a rotten cycle of over eating and just can't snap out of it.

Do I just accept it's a lifelong battle and get on with it, or is it something I will eventually be able to be at ease with.

Has anyone the same feeling..

Hi losit

Was just about to head to bed & saw your post . This is my 3rd stint at lipotrim , as I had 7 stone to lose . Last nov I started and lost 56 lb , came off it at Xmas time and was very very careful in what I did eat. I've not put on the 4 stone but I wanted to lose the rest so in July I started again and lost 16 lb in a couple of weeks but between parties & BBQ and nite out I've gained 10 lb , which was very easy do , glass of wine here , slice of pizza etc you no what I mean .. But I'm back and even if I only lose 3 stone between now & Xmas I will be happy .. Only we can decide if we want to lose weight , I eat my feelings lol , if I was you I'd give it one more go , but be very careful when you come off it or even join a slimming club to keep you on track , hope this helps and rem you are worth it .... Also there is great support here ..
All the best
Tigger xx
I think you should go for it, but I also think you need some extra help dealing with your issues with food to help you keep it off. Maybe some counselling, or hypnotherapy. This is my first time losing this weight since I've gained it so I have no idea how hard maintaining will be and I have a lot of food issues for a long long time. But other people manage it and I'm sure we can too, maybe you just need a little extra help. Very best of luck whatever you decide.
It's all about control. I lost 8 stone in my early 20s, just after I left university (I only ate junk food for 3 years!!). However I kept that weight loss off for 20 years because I exercised at least 6 days a week...and I mean at least an hour of hard exercise (gym, aerobics, spinning class) and I stuck to a diet Sunday to Thursday(very calorie controlled) and then relaxed at the week-end. My husband and I tend to eat out a lot and it really is difficult but do-able. However it really does take a will of iron.

So why am I here, you ask - I decided to give up smoking 2 years ago and gained 3 stone within 4 months (lost total control), anyway I managed to lose a stone but have carried this 2 stone gain around for too long and enough is enough...hence I am here.

I intend to go back to my maintenance plan....using liptotrim. That’s my plan(I will let you know how that goes).

It really is very hard, but it's all about mindset and taking control....which is easier said then done :)

Good luck xx
Thank you for your comments, I have just got off the phone and have an appointment to start at 4pm today. I can honestly say that this site has been a godsend for support anytime I have been TFR and everyone understands the food cycle we go through.

TFR from tommorow, lets do this..