Will i still lose in refeed?


Full Member
I know it's a long way off yet, but, I want to do this program correctly by finishing it with a reefeed plan of action, so what I'd like to know is- as it will still be very low calorie, will I still be losing when I start refeed? As I've planned a 12 week stint on s&s but maybe it needs to be less if I'm still losing when I refeed, if you know what I mean. Anyone else with experience of what happened with your refeed?
it depends what refeed you do and for how long. initially it will balance your glycogen levels so you dont gain massively afterwards as your glycogen levels usualy weigh 5-7lb. after that i guess if you carry on low carbing then yea you should still loose at a lower rate. im going to move onto diet chef when i get to goal to counteract the glycogen gain and carry on with that if i still need to loose a few more lb's or if i put any back on.
I wouldn't worry about starting to refeed before you get to goal. As Bridie says your glycogen stores refilling when you start to reintroduce carbs mean that you may put on around 7lb at that stage so the refeed will involve introducing carbs and calories slowly to offset the glycogen weight gain. In a perfect world you will stay the same when your glycogen stores refill if you refeed slowly and properly.