Wk4 Stopped losing weight.


New Member

Something wierd is happening.
I've stopped losing weight.

I've been on 86Kg (BMI 25.7) since Sunday. This is Week 4 for me, I've lost 18lb since starting.

I'm 100% TFR. No cheating. Drinking the water. Regular bowels. Weighing at the same time every day.
The weight is just not moving.

Anyone any idea what's wrong?

Sorry to hear that Steve
I was the same last week , my weight would not budge under 18 stone , I was meant to have weigh on on tuesday , but pharmacist was sick , so I ended up eating some food on tues , which knocked me out of ketosis but I did tfr yesterday & glad to say I'm back in it today . I thought I might have hit a plateau , but your very near your bmi so maybe it slows down
What did the pharmacist say
What day is your weigh in day?
You will find that it slows down towards the end and you may find you lose in chunks towards the end of each week rather than steadily over the week.

So if you're weigh in day is Sunday, then I'd not expect to be seeing the scales move till end of week.