Weight Loss Goals


New Member
My hopes is that this weight loss diary will help keep me on track with my weight loss goals.

I gained a significant amount of weight in 2017. At the time, I had just left my abusive job and was moving back in to live with my parents. My relationship with my fiance went south, and we broke up. I was very stressed, crying a lot, and my self-esteem hit an all-time low. I stopped taking care of myself. I began to gain weight.

I had always been fit all my life. All throughout highschool I rarely cared about my health and weighed a measly 96 lbs. After my mid-life crisis, I weighed 140 lbs. At my healthiest, I am 98 lbs (I'm short and petite).

I've been trying to lose weight since then, but it's been on and off. Some times I have dropped to as low as 126 lbs. And then, it often inches its way back up to 140 again.

I've gone through a lot of life changes since 2017, including rigorous efforts in reevaluating my life, my values and the things that make me happy. I've taken on the difficult task of taking appropriate care of my mental and emotional health and well-being. It'd be great if I could leave behind the "baggage" that was my weight gain during my mid-life crisis and fully move onto a new "me."

My first goal is get into a regular routine of exercising an hour each day.
My second goal is to switch to a mediterranean diet and eat no more than 1300 calories/day.