Your Favorite Work-Out Song(s)?

I find LMFAO are great to listen to atm, I also love Toy Soldier by Britney, Why dont you love me? by Beyonce, See you again by Miley Cyrus and Hey Mama by Black Eyed Peas (never fails to get me moving).
I love LMFAO, Nicki Minaj, BEPs, Gaga, David Guetta, Pitbull, etc. In fact, that's pretty well the components of my workout playlist!
I love listening to latino mixes at the moment a nice bit of Jlo or Ricky really get me going :whacky068:
Anything on the dance music channels - all the girls in skimpy outfits dancing round makes me think to myself 'come on you porker, if you want to look like that you need to push harder' lol
hahaha corny but eye of the tiger .... works every time lol x
I like mainly classic rock to work out to. I like anything by black sabbath, "learning to fly" pink floyd, " traveling riverside blues" led zeppelin, "us blues" grateful dead, and I mix in metallica also even though I am not a huge fan , their fast songs arre good to turn up and pump iron to.