Your weight loss so far on Atkins??


Would love to hear all your weight loss stories, how much have u lost in how long? Have you ever had any slip ups and did u get back on track? Exercise? Tell me everything, would be great to read and motivate myself ;-)

Thanks guys

I lost 4 stone 5 lbs in 2012, which included having 4 months off the diet and messing around a few other times whilst on it. I've got another 4stone to go at least, hopefully by Christmas this year or Easter 2014 at the latest!

As far as exercise goes, i've done some here and there but most of my losses are down to diet alone... Atkins all the way.

My losses used to be 2 or 3lbs a week but have slowed down to 1lb a week over time. 1lb a week would have me at goal by christmas anyway so i'm not worried ;).

Atkins is the best diet i've ever done because you get to eat proper food, and plenty of it, never starving.
That's amazing!! Really inspirational. I only want to lose around 20 pounds, am hoping I can do this by end of April latest!! Losing inches from the shred will also help so I'm confident I can achieve this goal. I heard though that if you don't have a considerable amount of weight to lose it won't come off very fast.. Even though I plan to stay on induction till my goal is will this still be the case?? I hope not lol.... :)
It might come off slowly after the first couple of weeks. Regardless of your starting weight, week 1 is normally a great loss, it's after that it can be slow. I'm sure you can lose 20lbs by Easter if you really stick to it 100%. The only downside to Atkins is that it isn't a very forgiving diet to cheat on, when you cheat it can set you back a fair bit, you have to be 100%.
Definitely won't be cheating. That's why I waited till after the festive season to start, (did originally plan to start 1st Jan he he). The wine and chocolates delayed me!! I just can't wait to see week ones results! I have been an extreme yo yo dieter in the past, so hope that hasn't messed up my metabolism. But to be honest I know it sounds silly but I am sure I can see and feel a difference in my body just after one day!

How do u know when your in ketosis without those sticks?? And how long does it last? :))))

Not been as hungry today either...
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Ahhh, don't worry about the metabolism thing, on Atkins because you are eating loads your body has no reason to reduce it's metabolism to conserve energy, that's what's so good about it... you can keep your body fuelled up and in fat burning mode 24/7.

Ketosis can feel different to everyone, but some symptoms are a bad taste in your mouth, dry mouth, feeling lethargic and having headaches, flu like symptoms, not feeling hungry, etc. The bad symptoms like headaches and flu clear up after a couple of weeks max, the good symptoms like not feeling hungry, tend to last ;)... and once you are in ketosis you will stay there as long as you stick to the diet. Ketosis means your body is now burning fat full time, either fat from food you eat (you should be eating a relatively high fat diet on atkins), or fat from your hips/stomach/etc. Some people don't get symptoms at all, so don't panic if you don't.
Great! thanks alot u have really helped me out and inspired me :) roll on summer so I can wear nicer, smaller clothes for once :D
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I had a great loss week 1 and 2 but seem to have stalled since. Start week 4 next monday and im hoping the weight wil start dropping again soon x
I had a great loss week 1 and 2 but seem to have stalled since. Start week 4 next monday and im hoping the weight wil start dropping again soon x

im going to weigh this week for no.3 weigh but like you hun i think ive stalled,i still feel great but my totm is due and i feel bloated! not drinking enough water either so im going to have 1.5 litres tonight and down as much green tea tomorrow as possible lol..
A temporary stall in week 2 or 3 is both very common and very normal on Atkins - your body just needs to catch up with the sudden changes. As long as you stay on plan you'll keep losing.

A full stall on atkins is defined as six weeks of clean induction with no cheats where you haven't lost any weight at all - its very rare.
Hi Sienna
I only need to lose 28lbs. I started at 11st 3lb on January 1st and am now weighing 10st. A 17lb loss so far :)
Stick to the diet and you will see the results!
Good luck xx
Hi Sienna. I lost 2 1/2st in 2010 & par a few holiday lbs, which came of once I was home, it stayed off. Then when I went away last November I put 5lbs on which crept up over Christmas & January birthdays until it was 15lbs! :O I'm clean & green again now & lost 5lbs in my first week. It feels so much better to be low carbing again & my IBS has settled again. Good luck.
The weight defiantly does start coming off again if you stick to it. I started 14 Jan and have lost 25lbs. It's disappointing when stall but keep going and it will catch up. I found the weight just seemed to drop all at once. I'm thrilled with my loss, the diet and this forum :) x