LL - all change!

Lady Liv

New Member
I'm a returner, back from the days when there was 100 days of Foundation, followed by Development and then RTM.
Mid-way through week 3 and musing about how different I'm finding things 2nd time around. 5yrs ago I lost almost 7st and maintained my loss up until 2011. Couple of stone regained, stayed there (in complete panic; how? HOW? etc). Then last year really put weight on, giving me a current 5st target to lose. I honestly never thought I'd return, I was in the camp of "I'm never doing this again" but here I am. Proof that you can maintain the loss (many, many people will tell you that you can't!) But also proof that there's no magic formula and it really is a life long commitment to the cause to get it off, and way more importantly, to keep it off.

I am finding the new 4wk modular approach really interesting though. Back in the day, you signed up for the 100 day abstinence commitment, and that was that! You were either on or off the programme. ALL of my weekly group are in and out of abstinence constantly. Last week someone talked through a 'planned break' they were having (at week 4, for one night only) and were supported for their 'adult thinking'. Wow! In my old Foundation group you would've been marched off the premises for that!! (well, I'm exaggerating a bit, but it definitely would've been challenged in a very positive way)
I also notice that the word 'abstinence' never gets a mention. There's no judgement here around how people manage the programme, I'm hugely respectful of any approach to lose weight, I'm just so curious around these changes.
Wondering if there are any returners experiencing any changes too?
Hi - well done for taking the plunge again! :D
I'm also a returner, I lost over 10 stone in 2008, put most of it back on through various stresses and the attempted restarts when I wasn't ready (which arguably the reason why more went back on than should have!). Still, I never went back to my original weight which I think is a small win in the grand scheme of things!

I do remember the 100 day abstinence, closed groups... I have noticed the change from the closed mentality to a more relaxed attitude now. It's great, because not everyone's the same and people's approach to dieting isn't going to be uniform either. Having said that, this time around I have chosen not to attend groups - I don't find them useful anymore. I have maintained for the last year - working my food problems out on my own - really pin-pointing why I do the things I do.

So on this re-start, I just want to get that weight off to maintain for good! I was ready so, it's all just calm. Am on Week 5 now, quietly sailing along...

Hi Minerva:)
I love your 'quietly sailing along' quote.
You sound like you've done a lot of head work, groups can be so variable so I hope you're getting the support you need elsewhere. I've always been a good journaller - I'm getting a lot from going back reading over the whole journey and smiling at some of the things that freaked me out 1st time around! The only thing I'm really struggling with is the impatience. Can't stand seeing some of these numbers on the scale that I thought I'd never see again and fighting all the time with the impatience to a get back to a certain number. Funny, as I know somewhere in my brain that this is actually the EASY bit! Hence why I liked your quietly sailing along quote, have to get me some of that calm and quiet!