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  1. Bexx

    Hi Calorie Counters

    This food focus place... I tried to go there and it said the site had exceeded its bandwidth! Does that happen often? Or have all the new recruits you've found on minimins clogged up the system?! :8855: xxxxx
  2. Bexx

    Introductions...? Pretty please? x

    Hey, I just kinda wanted to get to know everyone better, still feeling slightly like an outsider because I'm new, and only found this part of the site today would you believe?! I know, I'm a little slow :p So, I was just wondering what everyone did with themselves, apart from losing weight! I'm...
  3. Bexx

    Bit of a personal question....

    I've never been on a proper diet for long enough to notice the weight difference before, but i've heard many things about it. And I'm due next week so only one way to tell! Those tablets you can get, to reduce water weight, are they for this? And do they work?
  4. Bexx

    how have you all done this week

    This week's been really up and down (exams, friend's 21st, pizza, beer...), but I've actually lost 3lb! As long as everyone's still thinking the right way and wants to lose weight that's amazing - think how much worse the week could have gone if we'd given up and done whatever we wanted! I'm...
  5. Bexx

    new year new me!

    Well done on the gym love! What do you do in the way of weights? I think I need to do some but have no idea where to start! xxxxx ps. You going to suprise the bf with an immensely improved body when he gets back from Brazil? I think so.
  6. Bexx

    Not a single excuse this time!

    I think everyone's allowed their off days, as long as you don't do that thing where you think 'ah well, i've eaten this now, so i might as well write the rest of the day off'! I don't really have planned off days, but you can't deprive youself of nights out Everyone here seems totally...
  7. Bexx

    Gemma's Weight Loss Diary

    It wil take a while, but so worth it. I get really excited whenever I first start a diet and want it all to come off really quickly, but slow and steady is the best way, you're doing really well :)
  8. Bexx

    Hallo!!! =]

    Hello Heidi! I'm 21 as well here for the same reason :) Good luck with your weight loss! xxx
  9. Bexx

    Not a single excuse this time!

    Ladies ladies ladies! What's going on? How's everyone doing? Cuddlepaws, have to say I'm not a ryvita fan either, haven't tried those new things and don't think I will be! Deffo a rice cake girl :P Also, does anyone think drinking oxo cubes is weird? My friend did but then she tried it and was...
  10. Bexx

    Not a single excuse this time!

    Same here! Haven't been on for a while ladies sorry, but have been keeping up with the calorie counting (and going to the gym now I'm back at Uni :) ) so all is gooood. Apart from last night, when I was definitely not going to drink when I went to the pub but then my friend told me she was...
  11. Bexx

    Not a single excuse this time!

    Sorry to hear about your cramps Preet, try peppermint tea before you go to bed? It's what I'm drinking right now! And it doesn't contain any caffeine. Can't drink too much before I go to bed though otherwise I'm up at 3am needing the loo! x
  12. Bexx

    Not a single excuse this time!

    Woop woop! :) Don't you love having the power to choose what you know you should? That advert just came on for baby milk with the man talking, makes me all broody every time! ps. Just added up for the day, on 1285! xx
  13. Bexx

    Not a single excuse this time!

    I was going to have stir fry but then the family came back with pizza... oh dear, adding up time! X
  14. Bexx

    Don't Bin Your Old Bra's!

    That is a great idea - especially for this site, where people are going to be dropping sizes so don't need their bigger bras any more!
  15. Bexx

    Word Association Thread

  16. Bexx

    Which is the most beautiful city in the world

    Hong kong. If I could I'd move there in a heartbeat. Most horrendous city? Delhi
  17. Bexx

    Not a single excuse this time!

    I got so excited about the angel delight that I forgot to say hope you're feeling better soon! xxxxxxx
  18. Bexx

    Not a single excuse this time!

    THEY MAKE SUGAR FREE ANGEL DELIGHT?????? Oh em gee. I'm going to buy some. Right now. Ok maybe tomorrow. I love you. My tummy is rumbling so much but have to wait till my brothers get home for tea! Dammit... We have a dvd at uni called 'the hotpants workout' which is a complete cheesefest...
  19. Bexx

    Free Knitting Pattern for the PG Tips Monkey

    I love monkey so much - we got a dvd free with the PG tips a while ago and have watched it SO MANY TIMES! I think knitting him may be slightly too difficult at the moment though, I'm still at the all i can make is a scarf stage and not quite able to finish off! xxxx
  20. Bexx

    Hi Everyone!

    Hey, good luck! I only joined yesterday, and everyone's really nice :) I'm 21 as well, from east anglia originally! (Love the fact that this is a mainly UK site!) And the pill is EVIL! Made me go insane... xxxxxx
  21. Bexx

    Frozen virgin!!

    I'll be honest, I only clicked cos of the title! It is pretty cold though - you see bbc news the other day? It's making the rats come inside! :S
  22. Bexx

    cant view my profile?

    Same here, I was pretty confused! I only joined yesterday though!
  23. Bexx

    Not a single excuse this time!

    Well done! How many calories are you sticking to a day? I've probably already read it and forgotten, re-reading time! I'm trying to stick to 1200ish, still looking forward to chickeny stir fry time, mmmm Haven't been eating late though, and have been having a prober rumble by the time i go to...
  24. Bexx

    Hello Everyone, just joined.....

    Hi, I only joined the other day as well! Loving the number of new people here, as well as more established and helpful ones! Good luck, you make a lot of sense! xxx
  25. Bexx

    Not a single excuse this time!

    Yeah, although it's rarely that low - it feels like more so i may have added it up wrong! I've eaten porridge, sandwich, apple, orange, banana, jacket potato, lamb shanks & tomatoes & veg... so, don't think it's too bad! I'm probably underestimating... xxxxx
  26. Bexx


    That pleases me a lot. I've listened to it loads of times but never actually been able to work out what they're saying! xx
  27. Bexx

    Not a single excuse this time!

    Hey, I'm Bexx... really hope you don't mind me gatecrashing but you all sound so nice! And so motivated... I'm not usually so good, but this time round have been doing pretty well (although it's only been a week), and if I have slipped up, haven't thought, 'oh well, I might as well go and stuff...
  28. Bexx

    Tonight Claire Sweeney STV Weight Prog 9pm

    Yeah, I watched it too - people seem to have really mixed opinions on it, either found it really motivating and loved it, or thought it was patronising and hated it! I found it really helpful, especially as I was online at the same time! Always good to have a bit of inspiration! Shame it...
  29. Bexx

    Cate's Calorie Counting Diary

    Hey, well done so far! I'm kinda worried you might be undereating though - I did pretty much exactly the same thing when I was your age and lasted about a month, I lost about a stone or two, but it did not last! Which is why I'm back here now i suppose! Glad your mum's being supportive though...
  30. Bexx

    Gemma's Weight Loss Diary

    Hey, I'm new as well and just having a look around - I've got pretty similar stats to you, although I'm a bit bigger and don't know how tall you are... Are you doing any kind of plan, or just how you feel? Good luck, well done for the good start! xxxxx
  31. Bexx

    Biggest loser uk 2009

    There's some biggest loser USA on, but not every episode, watched the UK version today though, I love it! xxx
  32. Bexx

    Wii fit Anyone?

    My brothers have got one and I found it was good for keeping track of your weight, but I wasn't keen on the exercises, doing it in my own living room isn't really for me, plus I feel like I'm going to fall through the ceiling! I like the graphs it gives you though. I love how you can track...
  33. Bexx

    anyone want a running partner and live in

    Liverpool anyone?! I'll be back to Uni soon :) Last year I did a run for charity with a group, and everyone trained together, you could try finding something like that? Then it'd be for 2 good causes!
  34. Bexx

    New new new!

    I'm not on an actual plan at the moment, just lots of fruit and veg and water and coffee... Have you got any ideas?! Thanks so much! xxxxx
  35. Bexx

    Hello :)

    Hey! I've literally just joined as well but thought I'd say hi, and good luck! xxx
  36. Bexx

    New new new!

    Hey, I'm brand spanking new and started dieting for about the hundredth time in my twenty-one years on new year's day... haven't been doing too badly so far but always need some inspiration to keep it going once I've started! I've done some VLCD's int the past but have realise that this is nicht...