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  1. D

    Loose Skin? :O

    I have lost 4 stone and have been at my target weight for a couple of months now. I have no loose skin but what I do have is flabby and untoned skin. I really need to exercise but I keep putting it off (I did buy trainers today which is a step in the right direction). I am not sure loose...
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    Annorexic Tendancies

    I agree with a great deal of what you say. However I have the feeling Shelz is actually trying to talk herself into anorexia. In light of her last post, I do think she should seek some kind of professional help. As should anyone with an unhealthy relationship with food
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    Annorexic Tendancies

    Eating less than 500 calories a day, regarding a 200 calorie day as a success. Obsessively watching other people eat and hiding the fact that you don't eat from everyone around you. Wearing baggy clothes to disguise weight loss. Abusing laxatives. Fasting and calling it detoxing. Any and all...
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    Annorexic Tendancies

    A great many of the "symptoms" you describe are typical to most successful dieters. Most dieters count calories obsessively, most exercise and feel guilty when they don't. Most have an ideal weight that keeps going down and it is by no means unusual to have a pair of skinny jeans you are...
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    Has anyone lost a lot of weight and NOT had loose skin?

    I have lost four stone and have about 10lbs left to shift and I have no loose skin. I didn't exercise, didn't body brush or moisturise. I have never lost any more than 2lbs a week so it might be down to that. Oh and I am more than twice your age:jelous: They say give yourself a year after...
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    I had pretty much stopped losing weight but since upping my calorie intake a little it has restarted. I seems you really can go too low. I think carbs affect people differently, I have a dieting buddy who goes all jittery if she cuts her carb intake too severely whereas I seem to be able to...
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    How do i stop binge eating??

    I had a serious chocolate addiction. I could over-eat any food but chocolate takes me to a whole different place. The amount of chocolate I can eat is almost awesome:sigh:. I have left the house at midnight to go to the local petrol station to buy a fivers worth of chocolate and had most of...
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    How Do You See Yourself?

    I calorie count, it is the only diet that works for me. I don't have chocolate or any treats really, I can't trust myself not to binge. I once read an interview with Raquel Welch, she was asked how she had always managed to maintain her figure. She replied that she hadn't eaten anything she...
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    How Do You See Yourself?

    I remember I had a fat friend (in the days when I was slim) she didn't have a mirror in the house that showed more than her face. Years later, I was no better. I'd catch a glimpse of myself in shop windows and look away. Last week my daughter showed me a pic of myself taken 6 months ago on...
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    I can't eat carbs, I find them totally addictive and end up bingeing. I read somewhere that french bread releases more sugar into the bloodstream than eating pure sugar. It sort of made sense to me. I eat very lean roast beef (100 grams is about 120 cals) or prawns smothered in lemon juice...
  11. D

    What made you realise you needed to lose weight?

    Going into a shop and just being grateful there was something that fitted me just made me eat more. Meeting old friends and pretending I didn't notice their shocked looks just made me eat more. Getting out of breath and aching in every joint just made me eat more. For years I had been in...
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    Advice needed from successful slimmers

    Over the last four months I have lost just under 3 stone at a fairly steady rate of 2lbs a week. I haven't been following any particular diet, I have just been calorie counting. Unfortunately, over the last two weeks my weight loss has stuttered to a halt. I always thought plateauing was a...
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    old but new :)

    You can do this, you have already proved that. It is all about determination. Falling off the diet wagon isn't the end of the world, you just clamber back on again. So you have added a little extra time onto your journey. So what? I have the same problem you have only it isn't crisps with...
  14. D

    Does the jelly belly ever go?

    Thank you for the all the replies. I have been really lucky, so far no loose skin. Which I think is because I have never lost more than 2lbs a week. I know I shouldn't be complaining about my stomach considering the fact a few months ago I hated my entire body and now I just hate bits of me:o
  15. D

    Does the jelly belly ever go?

    Hi everyone, I have been lurking here for ages. I have lost almost 3 stone and am starting to almost resemble a human being again. I am down from a size 22 to a size 16 but the dreaded jelly belly remains. I have a question for the successful dieters out there. Does it ever go and if it...