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  1. T

    Step 1 Sole Source Day 4

    Keep going,you will love those first weigh in results!
  2. T


    Well done.. Can't wait until I have a month under my belt...
  3. T

    Step 1 Sole Source Ist week weigh in

    :eek: Yay! Down 10lb But struggling today not to eat!!! Grrrrrr it's purely emotional as I had some awkward conversations today... Deep breath...
  4. T

    Attack Day 2

    B. oatbran porridge , skimmed milk and splenda L. grilled chicken and fat free yogurt D Salmon cooked in lemon juice .. Snacked on turkey slices...
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    Attack self sabotage

    Hi Atropos, sometimes I just can't seem to stop myself eating whatever I want...( it sounds so ridiculous) If I can get a suitable alternative then hopefully it will help.. I know that for some reason whenever i get to a mini goal .. I then self sabotage. I did four days attack and rewarded...
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    Attack self sabotage

    Thanks Penny, that sounds lovely , I will give it a try.
  7. T

    Attack self sabotage

    Ermm,well thanks but I don't think low cal is the way to lose weight... I understand Dukan and the science makes sense to me... but yes willpower is an issue to be overcome, at least initally. I guess I will just have to overcome my greedy little inner child and try again. greedy inner child and...
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    Attack self sabotage

    Hi all, I did 4 days of attack as advised by Dr Dukan and then on my first day on cruise I fell off the wagon in spectacular fashion, I had a glass of wine which led to three... and then while under the influence had cheese on toast Grrrr! Was feeling so Ill the next day that I ate carbs as I...
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    how does my first day menu look?

    Thanks guys, I have done Atkins in the past and had some success, have done LL and Cambridge too, Well they all work as long as u can stick with them eh? Hopefully this is the right one for me... Fingers crossed x
  10. T

    how does my first day menu look?

    breakast ; oat bran porridge made with water and splenda, Lunch; two eggs scrambled, Dinner ; 1 large chicken breast marinated in spices, lemon juice and natural yogurt, with a dip made of natural yogurt, garlic and trace of balsamic vinegar. Drank coffee black , diet coke and water...
  11. T

    Day One Today...

    Hi, my first day too, I had mine as a porridge with splenda.