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  1. S

    sorry- but sooo excited!!

    Wow... it's 11.30 now and I'm thinking of you Em! Hope you're jumping up and down on the scales with joy! xx
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    I Want To Be Bridget Jones!!!

    STARTED SS: SAT 18TH SEPT 2010 STARTING WEIGHT: 16 STONE 1 POUND I think the title sums me up completely!!! I feel a little bit lonely on this forum amongst all the married-with-children people as I'm 32, female... and actually loving being single! I always thought I'd want marriage and...
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    Is CD/SS Low-Carb???

    I'm a bit confused as I stumbled across CD whilst looking for info on the Atkins diet, and have got the impression that CD works on similar principles of low-carbs (what with ketosis, etc). However, I've been reading up on the nutritional values (in the booklet meant for doctors), and I find...
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    Finding Emma!!

    Hi again Emma! Well, I'm starting.... NOW! lol! Actually, I started about an hour ago and have so far had one glass of water and one cappucino shake (wow, that was yum!). I have a horrible feeling I already have the yucky mouth, but think I'm just paranoid, lol! The weight thing is funny...
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    Miffed with CDc

    Thank you again, all of you, for the kind and encouraging words! And yes, I have voted with my feet, and visited my new CDc Friday morning... and she was a million times nicer! Needless to say, I've come away with my packs and am starting this instant! ~ Currently sipping away at cappucino...
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    BMI Below 40 to Start SS ~???

    Miss Jelly Tot: Do you think my CDc will let me start SS with the promise that the sig is on it's way? I don't want to wait another week to start!!!
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    SS and Orlistat/Xenical/Alli

    My doctor freely gives me Orlistat without much question, but I take it rather carelessly ~ As it only blocks one third of the fat being absorbed, I don't really see the point! I hadn't considered taking it with SS as it can block other nutrients, so thought that would be a bad thing when SS is...
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    Finding Emma!!

    Hi Emma! Good luck with your start! I was close to your weight a year ago (18st 13), and through willpower alone (don't ask me where it came from!!!) I lost 5 stone over 6 months. In April, that willpower vanished as quickly as it appeared and I'm now up to nearly 16 stone again. I'm so...
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    BMI Below 40 to Start SS ~???

    I'm being impatient here as I'm seeing my new CDc tomorrow, so I'll find out soon enough, but... I have read/been told that I have to have a BMI below 40 to start SS OR get a doctor's note. I've already enquired and found that a doc's note will take seven days and cost £15 (!!!), but...
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    Miffed with CDc

    Thank you so much everyone for your supportive messages! I feel now like it's 'her-not-me', and I feel hopeful that I CAN stick to SS (even just to spite her, lol!). I have an appointment booked with a new consultant tomorrow, so fingers crossed, but am I looking for them in the wrong place? ~...
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    Miffed with CDc

    Hi There! I really hope that my new (and now OLD!) CD consultant isn't reading this as I don't want to offend her... but I really want to get this off my chest! If she is reading this, maybe she can take it as constructive criticism! I stumbled across info on the CD a few days ago and thought...