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  1. L

    Finding my head isnt catching up

    Its all about you, and about the pace that you yourself are moving at. It does take time. You need to think positive and have a bit of perspective. Such a tiny percent of the population look like underwear models, thats NOT what real women are mean to be like.....its not real. You are real.
  2. L

    Warning - Postal Scam

    God thats despicable! But pretty clever I guess!
  3. L

    weekend eaters?

    Have you tried having a little nibble on a bit of dark chocolate? I find that cuts my cravings, but its too bitter to eat the whole lot.
  4. L

    How would your best friend describe you?

    Mine said: Bubbly, Zany, and Mental!
  5. L

    How Did You Become Fat?

    I think its because I cant cook! This leads to a lot of snacking and reaching to sugar to curb cravings...
  6. L

    Sweet tooth sabotaging my efforts

    I've heard a supplement called L-glutamine is pretty good, am going to buy some next week. In the meantime.....raisins?
  7. L

    weight after IMPLANON

    I really want to get the implant, but I disagree with so many pills im scared it will kill my sex drive or something!
  8. L

    A list of constant slip ups

    Well, lets hope not! Im hoping to lose about 1st by xmas, by generally just watching what I eat and maybe trying a little bit of exercise (slight leg injury so that might be hard!) The hardest thing will be cutting out the drink....but after all, it is friday.... Will be rewarding...
  9. L

    Fat Girls and Alcohol

    I think alcohol might be the root of all my problems - when im hungover (quite frequently) I can eat all day and NEVER be full
  10. L

    weekend eaters?

    Diet coke is the worst mixer ever though! Might as well just mix with water. Vodka soda and cranberry however.... that cant be that bad...can it?
  11. L

    Which is harder, losing weight or giving up smoking?

    I haven't really managed to stick to either with great success.... I still smoke when drinking! In general I'd say most are just about the ability to keep to a routine. Maybe I find going without a cigarette easier because i can snack though...hmm...
  12. L

    bleeding piles :(

    I saw on a blog that if you try and poo more in a squatting position (if squatting isnt an option try and have your legs raised so that your ankles are around the same height as your bum). This can help prevent piles. Also colon cleansing products might be of some assistance.
  13. L

    WW Wine

    Ah so they've just reduced the alcohol content! Sneaky. Like those '99 calorie' dairy milk bars that are just half the thickness of a normal bar. We aint fools!
  14. L

    WW Wine

    So even though I'm not on weightwatchers per se, I did notice WW wine in asda. Now usually not a fan of WW products because of the flavour (apart from the puddings!). Have any of you tried it, and if so how do you rate it? Should I be saving myself for something in know I'll enjoy?:break_diet::o
  15. L

    The Things People Say?

    I guess they can only empathise to a certain extent if they haven't experienced it themselves. Also, as friends they have to push the whole 'oh it doesn't matter what size you are, it's all just superficial', but really it can have a massive impact on the way we think and feel
  16. L

    weekend eaters?

    I do like gin and tonic, but loads of places don't have slimline, or just ignore your request for slimline and stick it in anyway!
  17. L


    Thanks guys :D
  18. L

    PMS has robbed me of this week! I hate it!

    I always find evening primrose oil settles my hormones. Everyone slips up.......and to be honest, I often find that having one bad day doesnt necessarily ruin my week! Have you tried eating dark chocolate? I find it curbs my cravings but as its so bitter I dont need as much of it
  19. L

    I challenge everyone to think of something good ...

    I can list all the nations of the world in song....useful! (not)
  20. L

    My babies :)

    God i want to cuddle all of them at once! that photo of your dog and maine coon is great. Always wanted a bengal and a maine coon.....mine little cat is just a moggy but i still think shes amazing :D
  21. L

    Starting Today

    I'm also thinking of getting on this to lose before would you rate it so far?
  22. L

    Finding my head isnt catching up

    Lynns right......all of the stuff thrown at us in the media distorts the perceptions of ordinary women. Its about learning to love yourself. Being bigger is part of who you are because its who you have been.
  23. L

    weekend eaters?

    I think not counting alcohol as calories is my problem!
  24. L

    Which meat is best for dieting?

    Why don't you try some quorn products? If you love lamb and beef I wouldnt get the burgers but if you're cooking with mince you probably wont notice much difference! Quorn is a very low fat protein.
  25. L

    Something that really helps you?

    Its such a good idea about adding seasonings.....I just wish I could cook properly so I could make my food less bland. I dont have a very good idea of what herbs etc go with what dishes.... I would say a few nuts every now and then keeps me going, or a small square of dark chocolate
  26. L

    new start, we have let things slip

    I'm finally getting back on the diet horse after months off.........I keep seeing xmas stuff everywhere so I'm just hoping, if I can keep quiet until then I'll reap the rewards on xmas day!
  27. L

    Sugar is the enemy? Fat our friend?

    I think a lot of being able to lose weight is understanding how your own body works and making sure you take everything that people are trying to sell you with a pinch of salt (hold the salt though)
  28. L

    Low cost exercise for someone with feet problems

    Exercises you can do with your arms such as press ups will increase muscle mass which will help you burn off more calories and raise your metabolism
  29. L

    dry skin

    Chinese medicine is pretty pricy but really helped with both my excels and my brothers acne. Other than that omega 3 or oily fish in your diet should help!
  30. L


    Hiya, just to let you know a bit about me..have browsed the forum and it seems like a well organised place to pool ideas with a lot of fun positive people! Im a fun loving 23 year old on a mission... I used to be 18st a couple of years ago, got down to 13 but now it's creeping slowly back so...