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  1. T

    Slow weight loss ...

    I'm also a slow weight loss person, I began my journey (one of many) in February and have now lost 27 lb, so less than a lb a week. Although the losses have been slow and very frustrating, this time I've finally realized (after many years of yo-yoing) that this "diet" is for life and hopefully...
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    Weight vs Dress size?

    I am 5 ft 3 in and at my heaviest just under 13 stones I was a tight 16 and probably should have been wearing size 18 but wouldn't admit to it. I'm now 11 st 2 lb and am now a comfortable size 14 and looking forward to being a size 12 which hopefully will be about 7 -10 lbs away.
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    Recommended websites - tracking weight loss etc

    Have a look at "myfitnesspal" it's a free ap to track calories, exercise and weight and measurement losses.
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    Knock, knock?

    I will also echo what Caroline has already said, it is far better to cook you're own meals rather than relying on ready meals as you do end up with a far larger portion and it's the bigger portion that I like. I invested in buying the Rosemary Conley low fat recipe book (which also includes the...
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    How's my menu looking?? HELP!

    I've often struggled to boost up the calories, I think it has something to do with the mindset "I'm on a diet, so should be eating lettuce all day". Some of the advice I've had is drinking juice, like the poster said before, which I find easy to fit in as I'm not always hungry for more food...
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    TTfans diary and lessons learned

    Me and my hubby did a little choreographed number when we got married a few years ago. It was actually his suggestion and he's got two left feet! We started off joining a general dance class, trying to learn some basic steps about 6 or more months before (which helped with the weightloss as...
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    Plateau and exercising

    Has anyone experienced a plateau once they started exercising. I joined a gym 4 weeks ago and have been going 3-4 times a week and working on the cardio machines for about an hour each time. I've also done a couple of spinning and zumba classes. But since I've been upping my exercise I have...
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    Cuba here we come!

    I'm off to srlm in August, so I'll let you know what's it's like when I return.
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    Happyhealthy: Before, after pictures and thoughts as I approach goal :)

    Well done, you've come so far and I'm really pleased that you have now achieved your goal (albeit 1 lb). I had tears in my eyes reading your story, your post is truly inspirational and it was so lovely to read about your journey to success. I personally think it should be made a stickie, as it...
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    CC NSV - Non-Scale Victories!

    Well done Caroline! Well I have my Dad's surprise birthday party tomorrow, so I purchased myself a size 14 dress today and whilst trying it on I half expected to struggle to do the zip up (like all the times I struggled to zip up size 16s before I dieted, only because I was probably a size...
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    1st June - 30th June Challenge!

    Well done!
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    1st June - 30th June Challenge!

    Finally!!! After sooo many weeks of STS I have now lost 2 lbs, only 17 more to go to my healthy BMI target.
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    Type 2 anyone?

    It's really apt that I stumbled across this thread today. Both of my parents are type 2 diabetic and I mentioned something health related to them in the week and my mom suggested she should test me to see whether I was also diabetic. Well she tested my blood today and all I had drank before...
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    Non cc days

    Hi all, I'm off to Ascot tomorrow, so will be having a non cc day and won't be counting any food or drink I will consume and I think there will certainly be a lot of drinking involved, although mostly vodka and diet coke and maybe a little champagne, ooh and a full English to start the day! As...
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    1st June - 30th June Challenge!

    Nice to hear all about your loses, but I am extremely JEALOUS, after joining the gym for the first time at the end of May, I initially put on 5 lb, which I have now lost but each subsequent week is a STS, you would think putting in extra work would at least see a little loss. Oh well let's hope...
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    Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

    Oh but clotted cream is so delicious ....... It's making my mouth water just thinking about it!
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    Putting on weight

    I must admit Big H, I've decided not to go on the scales for the next couple of weeks as I really don't want it to de-motivate me and my general weekly losses aren't that great either as I'm only scheduled to lose a pound a week and I'm so enjoying going to the gym, which I never thought I'd...
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    Putting on weight

    Hi, thanks Fattack, I'm not panicking yet, as ive just been to Zumba, but it's still a bit of a shock. You know I've been struggling to eat 1200 calories per day and was usually netting around 1000-1100 per day and not totally eating my exercise calories. However, knowing I was upping my...
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    Putting on weight

    So how does this work, I joined a gym last week and went 3 times last week and have been 3 times this week and doing approx an hour each time. Last Friday weigh in I STS, this week I've put on 3 lbs!!!! I'm still cc and have tried my best to eat 1200 per day (which is good for me, considering...
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    1st June - 30th June Challenge!

    Hi, I'm in, even if I didn't reach my target for May. Caroline - 10lbs total : 0lbs down, 10lbs to go! Bev - 10lbs total :0lbs down, 10lbs to go Legomom - 0lbs down, 8lbs to go Fattack - 0lbs down, 6lbs to go Michael - 5lb, 0lbs down, 5 to go shanny - 9 lbs, 0 lbs down 9 lbs to go Tol116 - 6...
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    1000 - 1200 Calories

    I've been a member of this site for a couple of months now and have read various threads and can see that everyone has a different approach to how they are dieting. I read Moogs diary every day with interest and I'm also interested in Fattack's wisdom. But what both of them have achieved, even...
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    1000 - 1200 Calories

    Hi Kirsty, If you take a look at the slimming clubs thread and look for the Rosemary Conley thread, there are quite a few low fat/cal recipes in there. I actually bought a couple of her recipe books and I find them quite easy to cook, quite normal food dishes, like curry, shepherds pie etc and...
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    Help - going to the gym for the first time

    I don't suppose the pt will be covered with the 8 day free pass. However, if I like it I will probably sign up for longer. My friend has signed up for six weeks and it does allow her 3 pt sessions, maybe I'll follow her around!
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    Too much sugar?

    I'm not a fan of diet coke either, but I absolutely love coke zero and prefer it to normal coke. I was shocked that it tasted so much better than diet coke.
  25. T

    Hello Calorie Counting.

    Hi wrinkly, I too have been yo-yo dieting all my life and it seems (after reading all the info on here) that I have been doing it all wrong and probably messed my metabolism up in the process. I think my progress has had actually been slow compared to some of my weight losses in the past, but...
  26. T

    Hello Calorie Counting.

    Just looked at your stats and I'm exactly the same as you, 5 ft 3 in and currently 160 lb and have also lost pretty much the same amount of weight so far, but by cc. I'm also hoping to reach target of at least 147 lbs or even hoping for 140 lb by August, as I'm going on a group holiday and don't...
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    Help - going to the gym for the first time

    Help - I've managed to get an 8 day free pass at fitness first and intend to start using it next week to see whether I like it. The problem is that I've never stepped foot in a gym in my life before, so don't really know what machines are best to use. I know they also do a few exercise classes...
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    Lindsey's I quit sugar diary

    Well done, I did the same last weekend but a size 14 with lots of muffin top, but I was pleased I'd got them on and done up.
  29. T

    Indian eating out!

    When I last went out for an Indian meal, I asked the waiter what was the best meal to have if you are watching your figure and he suggested a fish based meal, initially I wasn't too keen as I hadn't tried a fish curry before, but I had fish tikka for starters and a fish tikka bhuna and boiled...
  30. T

    Not enough calories

    Thank you for all of your advice. I have done alot better today, I only have around 90 calories left to eat to make it to 1200 calories, so I'll probably have a yoghurt for pudding. Fat atrack - Strangely enough someone at work brought in some homemade flapjacks, which contained nuts, seeds...
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    Not enough calories

    Thanks Becky, maybe I need to get some of the protein shakes, at least then I can bulk up the calories if I find myself in this situation again. It doesn't happen very often and certainly not two days on the trot.
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    Not enough calories

    I know I shouldn't go below 1200, but I think the problem is to do with my evening meal, most of the time I usually allow around 600-700 calories for this meal, but the last two nights the meal has only been around 300 and it wasn't intentional. The problem I now have is what to do with the...
  33. T

    Not enough calories

    I haven't done very well with my calories over the past 2 days, I've only eaten around 750 each day and should be eating 1200. I intended to exercise yesterday, but thought it would take it down to around 350 net calories, so thought I'd wait until tonight, but i now have the same problem. Both...
  34. T

    3or5 meals

    I've only just started to eat 3 meals a day, I used to skip breakfast before beginning my diet, which I know isn't very good for you. However in my experience in seeing how slim people eat, they eat little and often, so I think 5 small meals is certainly the way to go and I think it also speeds...
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    It's certainly best to stay with something that you enjoy, otherwise you will lose motivation. Good luck with the swimming and the gym.
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    Oh it's a shame you didn't enjoy it, when you first go it does take a couple of sessions to get used to the steps, initially I felt that I was running from one end of the room to the other, but getting the steps does get a little easier. You say everyone was size 14 and under, but they might...
  37. T

    There are HOW many calories in that?!

    Makes you wonder how they cook their food, how can beans on toast be 500 calories. I have looked at the calories at wetherspoons in the past and have been totally shocked how high in calories their food is. I remember a few years ago when I was on one of diets and went to Mcdonalds and thought...
  38. T

    Those few pounds all make a difference!

    Well done, I think inches are really more important than lbs, as it's more about how we look and what dress sizes we can get into. People don't really notice the lbs, but the inches you've lost.
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    It is difficult to keep up for the first few sessions, but that's because your trying to learn the steps, but don't worry about it, cos there are always the fat clumsy ones sweating their arse off at back or front (me included). It's really good fun and you certainly burn alot of calories and I...
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    Wow! What a strong self-loathing post! Put it into perspective, so what, you've let yourself go for a few days, it's not as if you've done anything illegal or something and you will be able to now put yourself back on track. If you look at various posts on here within the last few weeks, there...
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    Change one letter game

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    Just started. Wish me luck!

    After reading all the advice I've found on here (which is very useful and informative I might add) I was initially struggling to eat 1200 calories a day and mainly averaging 1000 to 1100 a day. I started my diet in February and have been loosing in the main 1 lb a week, so thought I'd alter my...
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    Last 2 letters start the new word >>>>

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    My Fitness Pal

    Please feel free to add me as well, my username is toll116. I must admit I have been religiously logging everything that passes my mouth into mfp and am quite addicted. However I do struggle to eat my 1200 calories a day or my exercise calories, as I tend to save them for the weekend just in...
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    A New Game: WORD PLAY

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    A New Game: WORD PLAY

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    Anyone fancy a game?

    Bugs bunny
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    Last 2 letters start the new word >>>>

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    Word Association Thread

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    Last 2 letters start the new word >>>>

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    A New Game: WORD PLAY

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    Word Association Thread

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    A New Game: WORD PLAY

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    Word Association Thread

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    I wonder how long it would take to count to 1,000 000...?

    Oops again 3055
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    A New Game: WORD PLAY

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    Anyone fancy a game?

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    Word Association Thread

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    A New Game: WORD PLAY

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    Word Association Thread

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    A New Game: WORD PLAY

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    Anyone fancy a game?

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    A New Game: WORD PLAY

  64. T

    I wonder how long it would take to count to 1,000 000...?

    3044 oops slip of the fingers
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    Double word game

    Off limits
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    King Kong
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    Last 2 letters start the new word >>>>

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    start and finish with same letter

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    Last 2 letters start the new word >>>>

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    Double word game

    Herring gull
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    start and finish with same letter

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    start and finish with same letter

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    Double word game

    Voucher code
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    start and finish with same letter

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    Double word game

    Book token