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  1. M

    New member and first day of exante

    I might try that, need to get some sweeteners today. Last night I boiled some mushrooms and put them inmt mushroom soup it was quite nice. Not triedany other soups yet I might try veg tonight
  2. M

    New member and first day of exante

    How you doing today ladies? I had Choc shake was find again j just imagine them to be sweet but they're more salty! Guess it's all minerals etc
  3. M

    New member and first day of exante

    I'm on day two now, it's 10.30 am and I've big had anything yet, I'm trying to space it out a little as I have a pilates class tonight at 7! My plan is to try Choc milkshake, bar and soup for dinner after class. Will see how it goes. I also took a paracetamol for headache too.
  4. M

    Total Solution First day on exante

    Thankyou ladies that's a real help so good to have proletariat help you along the way too. I'll try post daily to see how I go. I'm going for. Meal kn Sunday it's a carvery so abort worried about that! X
  5. M

    New member and first day of exante

    I've just started exante today too so we can all encourage each other! I'm not hungry but do HAvd a headache but will just keep on the water! I understand once ketosis kicks in this goes?
  6. M

    Ordering shakes tomorrow

    I've just started on exante today, I had vanilla shake first. It wasnt as sweet as I thought it would be but whisked up with ice and drank through s straw I found it quite nice and it filled me up too! I had a bar too and it was again nice a little powdery but fine once got used to it.
  7. M

    Total Solution First day on exante

    I've just completed my first day on exante, I've had a vanilla milkshake, a nut and raisin bar and a veg soup. All were fine, I was hungry each time so was happy of anything. Had lots of water too but am feeling quite tired now I have to admit. Usually have about 3 coffees a day and tried not to...