10 week holiday challenge!

Azwethinkweiz 10lbs (1lbs lost, 9lbs to go)
CLH_X3 16lbs (7lbs lost 9lbs to go) 4
Dolly Rocker 14lbs (6.5lbs lost 7.5lbs to go)
Lizaberryman 14lbs (2lbs lost 12lbs to go)
MrsK87 10lbs (1lbs lost 9lbs to go)
Snugglepuss 14lbs (2.5lbs lost 11lbs to go)
giles86 10lbs (2.5lbs lost 7.5lbs to go)
Lydiahoyle 14lbs (1lbs lost 13lbs to go)1
gracemiren 8lbs (0lbs lost 8lbs to go)
blonde_sue 15lbs (3.5lbs lost 11.5lbs to go
louise88 16lbs (7.5lbs lost 8.5lbs to go) 3
Partypaula 14lbs (2lbs lost 12lbs to go)2
kristin 14lbs (0lbs lost 14lbs to go)
x_sambam_x 14lbs (3lbs lost 11lbs to go)
Lovehandles 10.5lbs (2lb lost 8.5lbs to go)
Lydia i'm the same as you i like swimming but the thought of getting into a swimming cosy and walking past the life guards just makes it a big fat no no!
Sorry janiebaby I can't do it on my phone :( just add ur name and repost!

Lost 2lb girls. Not so happy with that but it's better than nothing!

Wow the DVD is hard going. Really can barely walk today such a struggle 2 get thru it but it will all b worth it! :) I hope. I've been on a vibration plate nicnac but as Lydia says I have no patience and if I don't hurt the next day, I don't believe it's working lol! X
Well done on your 2ib w8 loss sambam. I think ide b like that too if i couldnt feel it i wouldnt think it was working. Think i should get all my keep fit dvds out and try them out
Well done on the losses girls. Your all doing so well. I'm scared for weigh in on sat, don't know why just having a feeling fat week.

I use the vibration plate at the gym about 3 times a week I find it helpful with doing a work out as well. Plus it's good for massaging the muscles.

Any of you lovely people know how to work out points for alcohol. Cant find info anywhere. :S thanks. Xxx
Have you tried going onto the ww website? Im sure 1 of my ww books have got the points for some alcohol,i could have a look 4 u? X
I lost 0.5lb this week :eek:

Not happy with myself for being a greedy little piggy lol

Really going to knuckle down as of tomorrow.

My holiday is in June & I want to be at least 2 stone thinner! (if I'm not I'm refusing to get on the plane) ;)
nicnacmac said:
Have you tried going onto the ww website? Im sure 1 of my ww books have got the points for some alcohol,i could have a look 4 u? X

Aw thanks its just for wine its only 4% so I can hardly call it alcohol lol. It's lambrusco light. Just a wee cheapy from the supermarket but I really like it. I can find pp for 6% wine but I dunno if the % of alcohol affects the pp value?
Lydiahoyle said:
Just take it easy don't want to put yourself in more pain. Swimming is great exercise though, I should take it up! Just hate getting a cosy on!

Do u fill up on veg fruit? I find if I have had a few day of fruit veg etc I have a good loss x

Well I went swimming and going again tomorrow! Did 46 lengths but only a small pool so it isn't that impressive but hopefully will be able to do the same tomorrow!

I should eat more fruit and veg then I do I seem to average about two portions a day so will try and increase that for the rest of the week cheers hun!

I'm not sure about vibration plates I've just bought one and used it a couple of times a day so far although the book says between 4-8 daily to lose weight I got mine for pain relief as well tho so will hopefully help I've done 20mind tonight so feel exercised out! I'd give them a go tho can't really hurt x
louise88 said:
Aw thanks its just for wine its only 4% so I can hardly call it alcohol lol. It's lambrusco light. Just a wee cheapy from the supermarket but I really like it. I can find pp for 6% wine but I dunno if the % of alcohol affects the pp value?

Hia i had a look in my book and i can only see per 175ml glass but thats for a sweet wine which would be 6pp per glass sorry i thought ot might have had more info.x
Lydiahoyle said:
You have inspired me to go swimming! Not sure about tonight though put a colour own my hair last night so it will run as it always does for the first few times it gets wet!!!

I may started the power plate again and try to keep it up this time!

Oh what colour?

Don't know if you'd be inspired to swim if you could feel the post swim pain that is today! Tho no pain no gain right?
As for the cossie situation I hate it too to the pain I constantly breathe in when walking in an attempt to look less beached whale! I find a towel works wonders on hiding things on way to and from the pool changing rooms (yup sad I know)

Well 10 mins done on the power plate should probably go to work!
Oh what colour?

Don't know if you'd be inspired to swim if you could feel the post swim pain that is today! Tho no pain no gain right?
As for the cossie situation I hate it too to the pain I constantly breathe in when walking in an attempt to look less beached whale! I find a towel works wonders on hiding things on way to and from the pool changing rooms (yup sad I know)

Well 10 mins done on the power plate should probably go to work!

I do that with a towel! LOL

well done sam
I never thought of doing that but ide maybe only draw more attention to myself lol.

How much w8 do you thinks possible to loose in 10 weeks? X
nicnacmac said:
I never thought of doing that but ide maybe only draw more attention to myself lol.

How much w8 do you thinks possible to loose in 10 weeks? X

I think it depends in how much you have to lose in general and how much you exercise. I was talking to my gp yesterday and she was saying that 1lb is the general weight loss a week that she tells people to aim for.

I've been on my diet since 20th feb so roughly 7 weeks ( if my maths is correct) and I've lost 12lb so far and I'd love to lose another 6lb in the next three weeks which should be possible if I work really hard and stick to my points
1lb a week is considered doable & healthy. But as previous poster says... It does depend how much you have to lose. I lost 3-4lbs at a time when I was a lot bigger. Now I'm lucky if I lose a lb a week because I only have 9-10lb till I'm at goal weight (slows down when you're near the end methinks). I think if you're strict with yourself & do the exercise, a lot of weight can be lost. For instance: My mum lost a stone in a matter of weeks by eating porridge for brekkie, soup & sambo for lunch, and a healthy dinner everyday. No junk at all but allowed herself a small glass of red wine most evenings. She goes jogging 5km about 5-6 times a week. We all have the potential, it's the strictness & willpower that I'm lacking lol!!

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nicnacmac said:
Hia i had a look in my book and i can only see per 175ml glass but thats for a sweet wine which would be 6pp per glass sorry i thought ot might have had more info.x

Oh geez. Think I'll avoid that in the future. I'll stick to vodka lol. Thanks.
louise88 said:
Oh geez. Think I'll avoid that in the future. I'll stick to vodka lol. Thanks.

Hia, some1 on the ww forum had been asking the same thing. Theres 15pp in a bottle of lambrini light,it sucks that theres not more info in other alcohol. Probs better sticking with the vodi n diet pop lol.x