10k challenge

Hey, I'm a runner as well, I get problems with my right knee. Turns out I under probate my feet (there's a simple test for this so I recommend googling it) I bought asics trainers specially made for underpronating and it's helped loads. If I'm doing long runs (usually 5km+) I take an ibuprofen before it just to help with the swelling. I've got a knee support as well which I sometimes wear, these are really cheap from sports direct, think I paid £5 for mine and rrp was £30. Headaches are usually from dehydration, so make sure you drink plenty of water before your run and after. I don't drink during as it upsets my tummy, but try it. Also, if you do take ibuprofen before the run for your knee it will sort your headache out! Hope this helps! x

Oh thanks for all that help!
The docs have put me on naproxen and a painkiller assuming its tension headaches, hopefully the blood results will confirm its nothing else!
I went for a gait analysis and they said I over pronounce but ever so slightly. I tried a mild support shoe but it gave me shin splints so I went back to my saucony hurricane which are very supportive. They do however need replacing, I need a bigger size as my big tie hurts sometimes.
I bought some knee supports from sports direct, stupidly went for small and they would fit my arms they are so so tight! Going to look for some more.
Hey! Hope your knee is better soon lucylu! I am running a 10k with work in may...I haven't done it before and am on week 2 of couch to 5k...really aching today (doing other exercise as well)
I have to have music and my (running) earphones kept falling off today grrrr! Hope I have time to stick at it and be ready in time? X
I now have 6 weeks to train to run 10k :( any advice would be hugely appreciated :) x

Yesterday I completed my 10k race for Age UK with a pb of 54.04! Very pleased especially as it was raining really hard.

Yesterday I completed my 10k race for Age UK with a pb of 54.04! Very pleased especially as it was raining really hard.

Wow well done! That's amazing! Was it your first one? How did you train? Mine is in 10 weeks and I ran 5 for the first time yesterday so was pretty pleased with myself :) your time is fantastic x
I'd originally done a c25k programme and then moved onto a bridge to 10k app. I'd completed a few 10k runs whilst training but usually just under 60 minutes so I was very pleased with 54.04. I think it was because the race was a much flatter route than the route I train on. :)
Just done 7k in 54 minutes :) with less than 2 weeks to go I need to step up the training! X