1st Weigh in

Lol, We can!! And if we're struggling to resist the scales, then we're not thinking about food!! Sounds like a good plan to me!
Hi Tiara!

Firstly, well done on your weight loss! Like everyone is saying, 8 pounds is way more than 0 pounds!!

As for weighing yourself. I weigh myself every morning roughly at the same time each day. And yes, there are days when you don't lose weight but my secret is my scales. I bought them recently in Argos for c£20. They are scales that weight your fat% and hydration levels as well!! I have noticed that on the days when my weight stays the same, my fat% carries on going down!

I have made a chart for both my weight and fat% that i fill in everyday (line graph) and I watch the curve go down everyday!! TOTAL MOTIVATION!!!

This may not work for you, but it does for me! I guess everyone is different!

Good luck sweetie!

x Alli x
OOOh. I've looked at those before CD but I decided I didn't need scales to tell me how fat I was! But it's a different story now. It would be good to see the fat levels going down!

I might go and have a look!

BTW well done on your 1st week....you did really well!

Tiara x
Thanks Tiara!

And you too! Maybe the only reason i lost so much is because i binged the week before! I know you're supposed to prepare for the week of SSing, but my idea was " i cant eat this stuff for ages, so I'm gonna enjoy it while i can!"!! ehehe... my 1st week was hard, but im used to it now!

We can do it together!!

Seriously, the fat % thing is a real motivator for me. I suggest it to any of you who are disheartened by the days that your weigh doesn't go down!

x Alli x
Tiara, 8lbs is a fantastic weight loss and you should be really proud of yourself :D

Have you measured your inches?? that is also a huge motivation when the scales aren't moving how we want them to, you can actually see your body changing shape:p

Good luck with next week, i'm sure you will do brilliantly.
Tiara you did fantastic girl, i lost 7 1/2lbs and was thrilled. Just think you are 8lbs in the right direction.

Oh and by the way, going to keep of the scales after my next weigh in on Friday lol x
I've a good mind to say, I'll keep off the scales after one last go tomorrow then!!! But I'm not going to..They're going in the shed!

I'm feeling ok about my weight loss now. Was probably just feeling a bit fed up this morning. BTW hubby has lost 15Ibs this week!