
soon to be minnie mouse
:wow: Now that was a shock I never seen that one coming.

I was dreading re-feed and can't believe I've actually lost 2lb :)
Can't wait to get out and party later.
For anybody worrying about going onto re-feed I'd now say follow it to the letter as it really does work without the worry of gaining.
Hope everyone's weekend is a fabulous one as mine sure is x x
Thats Brill, well done! Party on!:D
Hi zeke
Yes i did 6days on re-feed as it's dangerous to drink alcohol when in ketosis.
I was rally good at the party and stuck to the re-feed plan.
I did have a drink but it was only vodka diet coke.
I'm downing the water now and getting straight back on s&s to shift the last of this weight before I go on hols 37 days and counting x x