2 Stone Gone Gone Gone


Full Member
Well I went to get weighed today and can happily report that I have lost another 8lbs taken my complete weight loss to 2 stone Im so pleased and grinning from ear to ear. This diet really is amazing!! I am getting into clothes I could just get on before falling pregnant with DS it feels so amazing. Just over four more to go :rolleyes:
Well I went to get weighed today and can happily report that I have lost another 8lbs taken my complete weight loss to 2 stone Im so pleased and grinning from ear to ear. This diet really is amazing!! I am getting into clothes I could just get on before falling pregnant with DS it feels so amazing. Just over four more to go :rolleyes:

WOW !!! that is FAB :D Well done Sarah !!

keep up the great work !


Well done!!! We started at exactly the same weight and weigh the same now too! (I've been on it for 6 weeks though) I agree, this diet is amazing! They say 'if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is' .... Well 'they' hadn't come across CD when they said this obviously! :)

Keep up the good work! x
well done and keep up the good work. i only managed cd for 3 weeks and lost 1st 10lbs which is really good but now im on ww and still doing great. keep us all updated and well done once again x
Well done Sarah, that's a great loss :)

Thanks everyone.

Yes I do feel great I went out last night and actually wore something a little daring for me but I felt great. It also felt so good when I walked into the room where everyone else was eating to lots of wow havent you lost weight etc etc. I did get the odd you dont want to lose to much more, but, I think people get used to having the token fat bird on a night out with them it makes them look so much better. Well that bird aint gonna be me anymore.