20 somethings

Couple of pages to catch up on but just to say I love the mushy pea curry- and I don't like mushy peas lol! x
Wow 3 hours to catch up on 13 pages haha

Well my weekend was synful which is to be expected with a wedding but I dont think I did too bad and I have 5 days to be good so hopefully wont gain

Here is a pic of my sis and bro in law and the other is my oh in his suit, I have a nice one of me and him but its on oh's phone atm (hope these attachments work as never attached on phone before lol)


Dont really know why they go sideways lol
Oh wow your sister looks beautiful! And your OH looks very dapper. :)

I'm also eyeing up those gorgeous cupcakes in the background - I wouldn't be able to do a syn-free wedding!
I was fine in them it was just cos they were too loose so I put ankle socks on under my tights so you couldnt tell and they were fine although kept them off at reception anyway as I dont like being taller than oh especially when dancing lol
I was a wreck though I cried before she even started walking down the aisle lol my wedding should be fun
Morning everyone still catching up but ch2b hope you'd a lovely weekend, great pics so far can't wait to see you!

On my way to work after my weekend away, didn't do well food wise but I didmake better choices than I could have. Not a lot better though!

Back on track today so keeping syns to a minimum this week. Hope everyone is well today :)
Morning everyone!

Why does Monday keep rolling round?! I just don't fancy it today. I'm sure I've got something going on at work today - I just don't want to look at my calendar to find out what horrors the day holds...

I hope all of our wagon-returnees find it an easy ride today! x
Morning girls.

Glad the shoes were ok Christie.

Welcome back in the wagon ciara.

Uh oh Emily, sounds sucky.

Well we have today and tomorrow and then it is weigh in the next morning. Hope aunt flo has gone by then. I just can't wait until then so I know the result for sure and I can get started on the next week. I know it is so sad. HOPEFULLY my dresses will arrive on Wednesday too. Eeii I can't wait. I've not ordered something in my size (as opposed to aiming size) online in forever. Worth it to save over £100. <3 secret sales.
Morning all. Had the weekend off but wasn't too bad and enjoyed it so that's the main thing!

Back on track this morning. Cracked open my diet coke earlier than normal but if that's the worst I do it'll be a miracle. The weather here is horrific!
Hi hun. So glad you had fun (we missed you though).

The weather is rotten here too. I can see the waves from my house! Which is 2 miles from the seafront. Grim.

Sw pancakes were yummy, I only used 1 egg this time so saved myself about 90 cals and I felt less stuffed as it made 4, not 6. Nate helped me too, after he had a banana, a slice of jam toast and a bowl of porridge. Little piggy had a hungry morning.
I'll need to read back on the pancakes!

I was out on Saturday night but stuck to the diet coke - that's about the only SW friendly part of my weekend!
Lol, back on the wagon today yes?

All my friends, from school, work, uni etc, on Facebook haven't seen me in at least a year, others much much longer, some not for more than 7 years (and a couple even longer) and i manned up and took a photo of myself now and put it up with my before photo because my friends have been asking. Heart was racing but 2 friends (from two different jobs) have responded and been so nice. :) seeing the photos side by side has helped me see the difference

Still struggling with Superfree. Wanted to stop at the supermarket this morning but traffic was so bad I woulda been late for work
Morning! (Well, afternoon...)

I was out on work visits on Thu and Fri last week and came back to 35 e-mails! It's taken me this long to get through them all!

I've worn trousers to work today for the first time in years (thankfully my legs have never been very chunky but putting weight on round my middle has meant trousers in the required size were not flattering, particularly being top heavy) and I've had another couple of people ask if I've lost weight! One woman sort of trailed off while she was talking me and started looking me up and down quizzically! It felt really good to say 'I've lost 17lb in 8 weeks' :D Sorry if I'm being insufferably cheerful but I feel like I'm walking on air after that!

Clare - lovely to see you back! We DID miss you! *Squidges up* Come on, back on the wagon :).

Fran, how do you make SW pancakes? Nate's breakfast sounds scrummy! I haven't had jam on toast in aaages. Omnomnom.
Isn't little Emily and camz Laura? If not I'm a Dick!

I bet you felt wonderful! Strut your funky stuff!

Ah my friends are all being so lovely.

Sw pancakes: soak 35g (heb) of porridge oats in a vanilla mullerlight overnight. Beat with 1-2 eggs in the morning, some people add sweetener and vanilla extract but I don't think it needs it. I fry it in the butter frylight in egg rings (or cookie cutters) for 2 minutes or until firm, then flip and cook for 1 minute. Serve with fruit and a bit of natural yogurt. Mm.
Sounds lovely!

You are right, Fran - I'm Emily. Sorry for having a name with so many misleading Ls!

I can be another Laura if it makes life easier. At work I get mistaken for a girl called Amanda quite often - I don't think some staff have realised we're two separate people! One's even just settled for something inbetween and calls us Amelia!

The pancakes sound delicious! I might have to get some eggs in...