20 somethings

you can do it darling :) I'm just reading some of their articles online, usually helps me feel enthusiastic. Mostly I am desperate to weigh in to see how I've gotten on this week. Join Laura's 100% January :)
U can definately do it without a doubt in fact we all can and will :)

No advice here for teaching kids im afraid have to be honest in big numbers they kinda freak me out much more comfy in my job with offenders lol! :)

Had one of those days today where everything ive touched has turned into a disaster and have managed to hurt myself at every turn. I know a little tmi but managed to hurt my back again while i was on the loo!! Think i neee some cotton wool! X

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Ooh well done Christie! I just used the stuff I had in. I think proper trainers for the running is the most important thing to prevent any injury.

I would but my joggers are way too loose on me now and when im doing jumping jacks I keep stepping on the zips on the bottom of the legs and it hurts lol also I need tight excercise tops to hold the bad boys down to save myself a concussion lol
Tata, I think I'm right in that you're not a group member, so thought this might help you... maybe someone else too :)

Motivation is a powerful force. It’s a driver that, when harnessed, can help us achieve whatever we want - a bigger car, future security, better health, improved self-esteem, a slimmer shape.
So what is the secret of motivation – that essential ingredient we need to keep us going? And once you’ve found it, how do you keep it?
[h=4][/h]For many people, being told (or even asked nicely!) to do something, or the pressure of achieving a goal to a strict deadline, is enough to make them sabotage themselves. It really puts the pressure on, pressure that you can well do without. Finding the motivation to achieve other people’s goals can be hard - it takes great will-power, removes much of your control and is most likely to bring out the rebel in us (I’m not doing it and you can’t make me!)
So what’s the alternative? Use choice power! You are your own most powerful motivator, and moving towards your chosen goals in life – because you want to - is empowering. It puts you in control and enables you to make choices for yourself without outside pressure.
[h=4][/h]Motivation from friends and family is essential – it’s invaluable to feel supported and encouraged not to mention having a friendly ear to if your motivation slips a little (it does happen – we’re all human!)
[h=4][/h]Imagine the scene; the pitch is freshly mown and painted; the crowd is chanting and waving their scarves; the two teams run into the stadium; the ref places the football in the centre and they kick off... Unless the white poles at each end of the pitch are in place, the game grinds to a halt – without something to aim for, without a defined goal – there’s no game!
Whether you want to win a football match, achieve a slimmer shape, or buy the home of your dreams, having a goal increases your motivation a hundred fold. Before deciding on a goal, ask yourself:
Is it achievable? Working towards an achievable deadline puts you under far less pressure than setting an unachievable target. E.g. Having a timescale of three months to slim before an event is far more motivating than leaving it to a week, as anyone who’s tried crash-dieting will tell you!
Is it realistic? The most motivating goals are often the simplest. ‘I want to buy my clothes from high-street shops’, ‘I want a newer car’, ‘I’d like to improve my health’. Wanting Naomi Campbell’s figure (especially if you’re 5’2”) or to upgrade from a Skoda to a Lamborghini overnight can lead to major disappointments.
[h=4][/h]Committing to your vision is all-important, but so is taking the journey in manageable steps. If your goal’s slimming-related, it can be motivating to measure your success in pounds as well as stones. Even feeling your clothes becoming looser can have a marvellously motivating effect. Reward yourself for each step towards your goal and enjoy that feeling of success.
Not quite ready yet? Try our quick tips for more motivation.
1. Find someone to support you Often our motivation wanes because the negatives (related to the changes we’ll need to make) sound louder in your head than the positives (of achieving the result). Turn up the volume on the benefits, e.g.
Goal: I want to lose weight
Negatives (related to the changes we’ll need to make): I’ll have to change the way I eat. I won’t be able to eat chocolate. I’ll just fail again, so why bother?
Positives (of achieving the result): I won’t get breathless climbing the stairs, I’ll fit into high-street clothes again, I’ll be able to go on an aeroplane and fit in the seats, I’ll feel better about myself.
2. Investigate the negatives.
Often that inner voice throws up brick walls that only exist in our mind. Finding the truth can help take down that wall brick by brick and planning a way to protect yourself from that ‘negative voice’ is like a bulldozer – it brings the whole wall down. Ask yourself searching questions to crash through the barrier.
Negative: If I try to slim, I won’t be able to eat chocolate.
The truth: With Food Optimising you can eat chocolate – every day if you want – just keep track using your Syns.
  • What’s my favourite chocolate bar? Mars Bar
  • How many Syns are in it? 14 Syns in the standard size
  • What about smaller size bars? 4½ Syns in the fun size
  • Does it fit into my Syns for the day? Yes
  • What lower-Syn alternatives are there? Milky Way is 3½ Syns – I like those!
  • Do I want to use my Syns on anything else? I quite like a G&T in the evening
  • How many would I need to do that? 4 Syns for 35ml, and diet tonic is Free
  • Are there any Free Foods or Healthy Extras that can help with my chocolate craving? I can get Free chocolate yogurts – that might help. I could have Weetabix Chocolate Mini-crunch as a Healthy Extra!
So what would my day look like?

  • Weetabix Chocolate Mini-crunch for breakfast with milk from the allowance and a banana on top. Followed by an omelette and baked beans
  • Fun size Mars bar and an apple for a mid-morning snack
  • A large pasta salad for lunch, plus a Free chocolate yogurt (or two)
  • A Milky Way and a couple of satsumas for afternoon break
  • Vegetable curry and rice for dinner
  • A G&T in the evening – and I’ve still got a few Syns left, If I want to use them!
Ask yourself – “Does that sound achievable?”
Of course, the negatives may outweigh the positives. If you discover that’s the case after thinking objectively about your goal – ask whether now’s the right time for you to be striving for it? If the answer’s no, don’t beat yourself up about it. Give yourself a pat on the back for finding out, and feel positive that the time will be right at some point in the future. When the time’s right, you’ll be even more motivated to drive towards that goal.
Tap into the deeper reasons which have shaped how you behave today and which may make you resist being slim. These may come as a surprise to you but once you discover these reasons, you can at last do something to protect yourself.

I can't get rid of the rendered thing without deleting the article but I can't be bothered to type it all out myself

Lol christie, or two black eyes!
That's good Christie, I never ordered the stuff I looked at on sports direct, going in to town early tomorrow to pick up some bits so ill see what I can buy, and if I don't get much ill order off sports direct.

They got some really good trousers and tops for like £3 etc.. So I spent £30 on stuff that should have been £128 so really glad I looked online, got the trainers from the shop so I could try them on first
Sounds like you're all set christie! When are you starting? I really really need to get started too, was going to do it tonight but after long walk yesterday and day 1 of ski exercises I'm a bit sore!

Im starting shred the week after my birthday as I will be staying at my mums for the week of my birthday and she lives in a upper floor flat so I dont think jumping around will be a good idea the floors creak enough lol so on the 21st
Does anyone know if that free mag in the daily mirror tomorrow is actually about slimming world recipes etc.. Or if its a different diet the paper have done with slimming worlds help?
I saved 20 anyway so extra 15 dont make much difference its definately worth paying either way as it has given me the kick up the butt I needed lol