20 somethings

That's exactly what I'm like! Evening WI really does suck lol :( out of curiosity, what do you have? I tend to have fruit and a yogurt for brekkie, alpen light mid morning and a salad for dinner...tea after WI of course! X

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You've just written my WI day menu!!! I also tend to have 'light' fruit so grapes, berries etc and if I have anything heavier it has to be first thing and I try not to drink too much as I know water can make a difference, I know this is silly but I've got in to the habit now so am sucked in X

Just seen your post Scarlett, don't worry you morning wee will get that off :) x

That's good Camz, I know my danger zone is being hungry but not having something to pick on so try to take some extra fruit etc to keep you going x
Nite star x nite everyone x

Good luck to all thursday weighers x
Night girls! x
Just got in and dad made me a cup of tea. He had a magnum at the cinema and offered me one but I said no thanks I had brought a minty hifi (mmm) but I just ate it now instead with a cup of tea. Film was great. I offered to see the hobit with him too. Lol. So still completely syn free today!

Star, hun, yes you can lose 7lbs. But no more "sod it the day is ruined so let's bomb it" that musli didn't use up all your syns. I'm similar, if something changes from planned I go a bit nuts and try to eat the fridge. Often it takes my mum saying "stop being silly" set mini goals and achievements. This week I wanted 2lbs to bring it to 60lbs, or I try to make things a round percentage etc. It helps see the little losses as an achievement.

I know Jess was asked but I am not buying "family sweets" because to be honest it'd be a big tin for me to gorge through. I've decided I'm having Xmas pudding (no cake, no one eats it) and stick toffee pud on Xmas eve. Basically my meals and big syns have been planned. That said I haven't got any socialising planned which is worth considering.

Emily I am thrilled for you! You must have done a wee weigh in dance!

Laura, just make sure you measure those syns you could have egg instead of chicken, mix it with syn free mayo, Yum. (syn free mayo 6tbsp fat free fromage frais, 2tbsp white wine vinegar, 1tbsp sweetener, and 1tsp of mustard powder mixed with 1tsp of water)

Sweets, hope the sickness passes, to be honest I ate whatever I could stomach and lost weight through the sickness alone. Any cravings yet? Mine was potatoes, anything made from potato, I couldn't stand sweet things.
Oh and Emily, there is a woman who joined the week before me, had huge losses, took everything to extreme, now she is snarky on me but she constantly cheats, even this week. she got her 3.5stone award today having lost 1.5lbs and told everyone she'd been a terrible cheat all week. She is always doing it though, whether she gains 3lbs or loses 3lbs. It gets a bit boring after a few months, but she makes digs at me, it is all rather tiresome. So I don't bother feeding into it and I sit away from her. (going on about me shining my halo makes me want to lash out, I know i can be cruel at those times so I hold back and keep away now)
I was too shocked to do a dance! The scales wobbled a bit and then settled on 11st 5.5 and I just made a weird squeaky 'Oh...' I must have looked really dazed because our lovely WI lady asked if I was okay!

The lady who joined a week after me has been up and down since we set our Christmas targets. She'd like to lose half a stone by Christmas and has lost 0.5lb towards it with the fluctuations. We were encouraging her, saying there's 5 weigh-ins before Christmas, 1-1.5lb a week and she'll get there and she just went "Well I would if I was HER!"

I've given her my food diaries in the past because she's asked for them but our lives are very different - she's in her 50s and has children and a husband to cook for, she's retired so she spends a lot of time at home which leads to picking and they are entertaining or being entertained every week.

I just don't want to be making someone feel bad by comparison. I was in her position when I last attended SW - the two girls who joined in the same week as me were racing through the awards and I was still struggling for my half stone. I try to make sure I have a good chat with her each week so she knows I'm not evil!
Oh, and glad you enjoyed the film - well done on staying virtuous with your HiFi bar! Cinemas are the worst for me because I LOVE salted popcorn. I just can't justify basically 2 days' syns on a box of it! That will be my target treat.
Blurgh salted, I'm a sweet girl ;) oh trish is still doing really well, when her kitchen was being redone I invited her to eat round mine, which she has done before, but she didn't come round in the end. I'm at a point in my life now where I won't have negative influences round me, I have accepted it for too long, now I just walk away.

We do "adopting" in our group. If someone is struggling then someone doing well adopts them for the week, calls/texts to see how they are doing and keep them on track. Might be handy in your situation.

0 syns on weigh in day?! Wtf. Kit kat chunky peanut butter for tomorrow's syns. *drools*
Ooh I was eyeing those up in Tesco earlier - how many syns are they? I've always been a peanut butter fiend.

Up early early for me today as we've got to drive up to Gloucester for a meeting. I'm going to be dead on my feet! And probably starving all day with these extra few hours...
Haha welcome to my world!! I got up 10 mins earlier so I can have a slice of toast, it's gonna be a right treat compared to my usual apple that I have when I get to work...which I will most likely have as well! Have a good day! Xxx

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I used to start work in a childcare centre at 7 and do double shifts til 7.30 - heaven knows how I managed it. Just getting up an hour earlier seems to wipe me out!

I'm doing a schools workshop tomorrow so it'll be an even earlier start!

Have a great day! x
So yesterday I went back to basics and was DEFINITELY within my syns, and I'm 1.25lb down from yesterday morning. If I ever needed something to say 'told you so' from SW it's this!

I started a food diary as well if anyone wants to take a peek - I'd link but I'm on my phone x
Well done, Clare! I'll pop in on your good diary later.

Having a bit of a comical journey so far. Work has managed to book a 9-seater transit van for 3 of us to travel up, but the radio doesn't work. After an hour of trying to find a radio station we've discovered a Big Tunes of the 90s CD in the machine! My boss is so fed up he just said he'd rather hear something than nothing so I'm mentally having my own mini-rave!

The clementines I got in my shopping delivery last week were mouldy two days later :(. I feel your pain tata!
Morning girls, SO tired today :( Lets hope the day flys by!
Know the tired feeling, my little one had me up all night coughing :( And I have work (volunteering) today and then 'proper' work tonight <yawn!>