20 somethings

I had exactly one syn today. :D :D :D Which is good as it's my first weigh-in tomorrow (since I started eating SW-stylee) and I'm terrified!
My vote for sausages also goes to the Sainsburys BGTY ones, yummy :)

Also a fan of the LM rosemary & red onion! X

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Jeebus. Someone just tagged me in a photo on Facebook from a candlelit vigil I attended on Tuesday night for Transgender Day of Remembrance. I shouldn't be so superficial but DAMN my double chin is massive. I looked at it and went - now that, THAT is why I'm doing SW!
im sure its not massive lol but at least you can look at it for some motivation if it works that well for you haha
Evening ladies!

I’m Sloping in quietly this evening after a 1.5lb gain. Not sure I deserved such a big gain and I am in a bit of a sulk.

Hope everyone is well. I am off to bed now and hoping tomorrow is a better day, but just wanted to say hello.
Hope everyone is good today.

Just had a good moment. I've had this dress in my wardrobe which I got for my 21st. I'm 24 now so its been around for a few years! On the day of my 21st it wouldn't fit properly, we had a panic and I had to go and buy a new dress that day. Well I haven't been able to fit into it ever since then, but I just tried it on just to see. I wasn't expecting it to close but I got it on and the zip went up all the way! So happy! Things like this make me realise that I've made progress even when I can't see it myself. I really don't see a difference in myself, so feeling quite good now :)

Hope everybody is good this evening x
Jade sometimes this happens and its sh*t but all you can do is get back on it as best you can and it will show next week x

Ciara that's fab, what a great feeling! X

Well after my nice quiet relaxing evening its turned rather eventful! Mike got home from football and came upstairs to show his astroturf war wounds as always, grazed knee, elbow and hip. I took the piss out of his schoolboy wounds as always lol then he kissed me goodnight and went downstairs. About 10mins later I hear a massive crash outside and assume its a bin blown over. Few mins later mike came staggering into the room with a cut eye and chin and blood everywhere :( he ran out to the car to grab the bottle of wine he bought earlier and as he ran back in he slipped on the wet path, landing face first on the corner of our stone front step! He's got a big bruise and cut about half an inch from his eye (so lucky he didn't take his eye out) and a deep cut under his chin. I want to take him to a&e but he is refusing. The crash I heard was him and the wine bottle hitting the step. :(
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Evening ladies!

I’m Sloping in quietly this evening after a 1.5lb gain. Not sure I deserved such a big gain and I am in a bit of a sulk.

Hope everyone is well. I am off to bed now and hoping tomorrow is a better day, but just wanted to say hello.

Sorry to hear it, a gain puts you right off. Tomorrow is another day, you're gonna get rid of that gain in no time Hun x
Aww scarlet poor mike. He should get seen to for infection risks... I am the voice of doom but it will need cleaning properly. If he won't go today he will need to go tomorrow... Obviously I don't know how bad it is. Silly men.

Ciara, that is wonderful! I'm dialing back the years with my weight took (10 years so far!) Take a photo of ypu in the dress it'll help on bad days.

Jade, no need to slope, we all get gains, some deserved others not, get right on back to basics plan in the morning and it'll be off nice week hun. I know it is frustrating but don't give up on yourself.
Thanks Fran and ciara, he is so stubborn! I was worried he had concussion and also that the cuts might get infected, he was more worried about his boss thinking he had been fighting! He was ok this morning, I did keep checking on him through the night as I couldn't sleep properly. Hopefully he will heed my advice and go to the walk in centre in his lunch break just to be sure.
Have a good day everyone xx
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Jade don't you dare slope anywhere, I live in a constant world of gains lol. Small loss this morning (from yesterday) which is good 'cause if I hadn't I fear I'd have given up altogether!

Scarlett I hope mike is okay - I fully endorse the going to a&e thing 'cause you really never know :(

Fran I hope the sleeve goes well for you and well done for resisting the chocolate - you have willpower of steel!

Ciara well done on the dress - such a good feeling! :D I'm still just about squeezing into dresses that I wore last year so I've a bit to go before I fit into a smaller size but I'm sure it will come.

Joe had to go in to work early today so I have to drive myself all the way to the office (normally I just drive the last 10 mins after dropping him off) which is not fun. Maybe I'll stick on a ronan cd for company :D
Hi ladies, i'm back! Sorry i've missed so much, wont have time to read all the posts i've missed so well done to any losses, don't worry about any gains - they'll soon be gone! and welcome to any newbies :)

I've had the busiest week, and now i don't have minimins on my phone it's harder to keep up with you all.

My mum finally came out of hospital last Thursday (yay!) but got herself sinusitis straight away (god knows how with all the antibiotics pumped into her over the past month and a half!) so she's still not 100%. Obviously that meant that I had to make last minute preparations for the bungalow, pick her up from hospital, take her to the supermarket to get some food, settle her in at the bungalow and bring her dog to her and wash, dry and pack everything we needed to take to london for me, ben and jack all in one day!! I ended up getting 3 hours sleep before I had to get up, pack up the car and drive us all down. it was knackering!! My grandparents had been lovely and asked all about the plan so they could make SW friendly meals, but they didn't quite get it right and i wasn't going to refuse the meals they cooked! So been more or less off plan most of the week (though made good choices where i could!). got back on it tuesday and wednesday once i was back home, but yesterday i felt like crap and realisation dawned on me that i only had 9 weeks left until i have to go back to work and leave jack at home and i got really down about it :(so decided to have an evening off plan. Between us Ben and I had a tesco's finest meal deal for 2 (just the main and side) and bottle of wine.... and a sharing pack of vice versas.... and a sharing pack of chocolate peanuts.... and a whole 400g box of chocolates too...! :eek: the pudding (melt in the middle chocolate puds!) is in the fridge for next week. I'm jumping straight back on it today and i don't regret it as it was what i needed. i enjoyed it and it made me feel better to have something nice but that's that now. I will weigh myself later to see if any damage has been done, but wont be getting myself down about it. there's no point. what's done is done and, as long as i continue to follow plan now, any damage will be minimised if not entirely wiped out. I have to have my first gain at some point, right?

Anyway, onto brighter things, I took my little lump to get weighed on Wednesday and he was 18lbs 4oz!! He put on a pound and a half in the last 4 weeks, so it's safe to say he likes his solids! Still love comparing how much i've lost to his weight, and so since i had him 30 weeks ago i've lost nearly 3 and a half Jacks! Can't believe he's nearly 7 months old already, the time is just going way too quickly :( but he's a right cheeky chappie and started sleeping through the night two weeks ago and i'm loving it! He stirs occasionally for his dummy or if his teeth are bothering him (the top two middle ones are SOOOO close to coming through!) but other than that he sleeps from 6:30pm to around 6:30/7am without a feed. AMAZING!!!

I woke up at 4am this morning and couldnt get back to sleep so I got up at 6am and had a bath and decided i was going to start a new beauty regime. Get up every morning and have a nice long bath or shower before jack wakes (I usually have these at night with just a quick shower in the morning, but it was nice to have the peace and quiet to have a long one this morning so think i'll switch to mornings before Jack gets up) then use toning moisturiser for my baby belly and legs, put my anti wrinkle day cream on, drink a pint of water and take my multi vitamin, come down and have breakfast in peace, go brush my teeth, put mascara on, check if my eyebrows need any attention and then get dressed. then at night i will cleanse, tone and put my night time anti wrinkle cream on my face and make sure all my mascara is completely off, brush my teeth and get a nice early night (no later than 10pm) to try to get as close to 8 hours of sleep as possible each night. I know all the best laid plans don't always work, but if i can start feeling more refreshed and a bit more confident about myself because i'm taking better care of myself then it will be worth it wont it? :)

Anyway, I hope you ladies are ok, i've missed you!! Off to Pontefract today to see Ben's gran and have dinner there (definitely not SW friendly but will stick to it where i can!) but will try to get back on here this evening :) Have a great day ladies!! xx
Ooft Sammy - glad you're back. What a nightmare you've been having.

Hope your mum's getting better, your grandparents sound so sweet for trying to learn the plan for you (even if they didn't quite manage it!). Don't worry about going off plan, with all the running around that you've been doing you'll probably have needed the extra food!

Good luck getting back on track, not that you'll need it!
Sammy it is lovely to hear from you, we missed you too. Glad your mum is so much better even with the sinusitis. And how sweet are your grandparents trying to make sw meals for you! I agree sometimes you need time off plan, so long as you get back on it right away again :) sleeping through makes a HUGE difference. I compare my weightloss to my lump too, but he is 2 stone 1.5lbs with nappy, clothes and shoes on (he weighed at group by climbing on the scales when someone else's card was in the machine. Lol.)

Pleased to say the rain has stopped. My nieces are stuck in there village/town as the bridge has been washed away in the floods. Thankfully their mum left work early and took them home before that happened!.
Hey Sammy, good to see you :)
So glad your Mum is home, even if she isn't quite 100% yet. After what she's been through its bound to take a while to get up to strength again, sure she can do that better at home :)
How sweet of your grandparents, bless them!
I think it sounds like a well needed evening off plan, and as long as you enjoyed it which it sounds like you did, there is no place for guilt. Well thats what I think anyway! It's very different planning and enjoying a night off (eg. when using flexi syns) than falling spectacularly off the wagon into a cake or something! (thats what i keep doing!)
Aahh what a lovely age, my nephew is a month older than jack and they change so quickly then dont they? cute!
Sounds like a good regime, I really should take better care of myself. I hardly ever wear make up anymore which is great for my skin, but not so great for not scaring people in the playground haha! I start so early I just get up and go, having had a shower last thing at night. Only other benefit to not wearing make up though is when I do get dressed up with all my make up on I look very different so people usually comment that I look nice which is nice to hear, but on the flipside makes you think - so basically I dont usually look nice then! haha

After my disturbed night last night I've luckily already done most of the weekly housework at work, just a bit of ironing and bathrooms to clean. Have decided to pop home for a little while to have a nap before going and tackling the ironing! Usually only stop for 15 mins for lunch so I'm owed a good few lunch hours and as long as its done before the boys come home at 3 its fine. Quite nice having flexible days like this!

Hope everyone has a good day x
Ahh Scarlett, I don't leave the house without makeup - how vain is that?! It takes me longer to do my makeup than hair&clothes put together
I wear make up for flab club (i do I while Nate eats breakfast) and if I go to exeter or topsham or somewhere, otherwise I just don't bother. I like make up but ky skin needs all the help it can get because I'm far too lax with skincare!

A nap sounds like a good idea scarlet! We are all about to go for a walk to the shops but nana is taking forever. On the plus side not only am I in knee high boots they are on over my jeans (that are a size too big but the smallest I own!) *dances* ok so they are fat people boots but last year I couldn't get any to fit.