20 somethings

Oh what are you studying? I miss uni so much. I'm a stay at home mum. Son is called Nate so if you see me banging on about him you won't be confused. which reminds me, I need to show you all something...

My son calls this muma... I am not impressed!!!

aww bless lol could be worse if he has toy animals haha
Fran---maybe it's the luscious locks?!?

A three day week would be lush!im training to be a health visitor. As of today. It a year. Pretty intense from what I understand - but worth it in the end. I'm a mental health nurse by trade.....so bit of a change!! X
Hi! I have a standard office job but I live literally across the road from work so I can nip home for lunch. I also have 2 supermarkets within a 15min walk so I have no excuse not to stick to plan!

Fran, you mentioning pot roast has made me want to try it! I have a boneless joint of beef (800g) - what do I do?!
My niece calls all her farm animals by peoples names, many times ive been a pig or a sheep lol
I just turned down having a kebab tomorrow! No way am i having that the night before wi even if i have had a few low syn days so could have one if i wanted one
Make sure you weigh at the same time each week too hunny as our weight can fluctuate at different times of the day.

I'm on maternity leave at the moment, had my son 36 and a half weeks ago (nearly 8 and a half months) and I have to start back at work two weeks on Thursday, not looking forward to it at all :( I work in communications for my area in a bank and don't enjoy it at all anymore as my senior manager is a complete *****, as soon as she found out I was pregnant she was trying to get rid of me and making life hell. I'm going to start looking for something else internally when I go back, hoping to get in to project management. Since I've been on maternity leave i've met a couple of mums who work for my company, one works in project management and the other's husband is a senior manager in project management, so that's been some useful networking!! Both have said they'll put in a good word for me if I go for a job and they know the hiring manager, so that's great and gives me a bit of hope. There's also more opportunity for me to progress to a higher level without having to take on a managerial role, which I don't want, so I wont have that responsibility but can still earn more if I do that and they're a lot more flexible than my current team. So fingers crossed I can find something I like the look of in that area and that I can get in to it! xx
Lol, aren't kids darling.

Sam, I've got a bob so I doubt it is that. but my hairdresser loves me because my hair is in such amazing condition. Every time she comments on what good condition it is in. What's prompting the change? I hope you're better than the health visitors I've had dealings with. grr. I promise I will still be nice :D

Oh Emily you'll have to ask me when mutti is here because she made it. but knowing her it was something like...

seal the meat on all sides in a frying pan with frylight
In a casserole dish chuck in onions, carrots, celery, leak, parsnips all just cut into chunks, stir fry for a few minutes,
add the beef, lob in a little bottle of red wine (187ml) and enough stock to cover everything.
Cook until everything is all tender and cooked
Take out beef, let it rest then slice it up.
serve with mash or gratin potatoes

I will double check with her though. I often get Sunday dinner off from cooking and she's just gone to bed.

Christie, well done, you could make SW version of a kebab

Sammy, get you networking during your maternity leave. I hope you get the new position!
good luck with that sammy sounds like you have made some great contacts!
Thanks, Fran! I found a good website for working out cooking times so I think I'm all set! On Weds I'm going to set the oven up to turn on and cook it ready for when I get home from group. I can't wait for beef and yummy red wine!

The last few nights I've been feeling really acidy and sick when I get into bed. I've finally realised it's the night time decongestants I'm taking. I'll be avoiding them in future. Bleurgh.
It's quiet on here today! I am continuing my scatty streak. Having not turned the oven on properly last night, I took the rice off the hob, served it up and left the pan on a cold hob - only to realise 5 minutes later that I hadn't turned the hob off. Then this morning I packed my gym kit and then promptly left it by the sofa. I had to call the OH to bring it in! Scarlett, whatever you had yesterday to make you forget your handbag must be contagious!!

We called the company we booked the holiday with last night to see if we could extend it by a few days. They wanted £750!!! Funnily enough, I said no... That's a whole new holiday! (Although not to the Caribbean...) How ridiculous! If we'd been able to contact them when we decided to book an extra few days we would have been able to cancel and get our deposit back, and rebook at at an additional £300. As they weren't open until after the 24hr statutory cancellation period we missed out. Never mind!

How is everyone today? My cold is subsiding but my nose is still really tickly. Back to Spinning classes in an hour so I'll be pretty much dead!
Oh dear Emily lol hope your day gets better! I blame January :)
Im not brave enough to try spinning! I know I'd prob end up crying lol!
Reassuringly sore from my ski exercises though so will def keep them up this week then maybe restart shred next week, must stop procrastinating with it!

Did get prepared last night and chopped up potato, carrots, onion, garlic, swede and parsnip and popped it into my slow cooker with lentils spices and stock ready to switch on this morning so got a yummy veg stew for dinner tonight. Been so good on plan this week but feel so bloated and sluggish (poo issues yet again!) but hopefully will resolve before weigh in or I can't see me getting the loss I feel I deserve this week! Fingers crossed x
Had a really bad nights sleep :/ my oh must be feeling worse than I do though as he has been woken up every two hours by the blood pressure monitor strapped to his arm :/ whereas I only woke up about 4 out of about 6 times it started while we were sleeping, why do they make them so loud!
Lol, we have had pans ruined from the senile pair leaving pans on for so long the water all evaporates and the stuff sets alight. We make the dog crisps by roasting off chicken skin. Dad put them in, I went to give Nate a nap, mum and dad left, when I came out from giving him his milk and settling him down and I smell burning. The nitwit went out leaving the dog crisps in the oven! Yesterday I left a pan on and mum goes "is there a reason this is still on?" I said "because I'm an idiot" lol.Because you didn't extend it you not have an extra £750 spends. Don't you love the logic?! Spinning scares me since I saw 24 hours in a&e. Good luck!
Why was Spinning on 24hrs in A&E??!

I have totally saved myself £750! I am well and truly on board with your logic. I spent last night looking at cheap sun breaks we can spend that money on instead! Ch-ching!
Haha, i'll get you all following my spends logic. Excited my airfryer will be coming this week as will my felting needles (just £3 for a mixed set as all mine died. And I should be able to start bidding on houses soon. Hoping to get one of the ones being built. It is tricky, I won't be allowed it if I lived in lyme regis because that is Dorset council and Uplyme, which is in lyme regis and is where I live now, is devon council! You have to have sting ties or have lived here for 3 years to be eligible too.Scarlet beans. Honest we have had mushypea curry for two meals (1 dinner and 1 lunch), veggie burgers (chickpeas) and baked beans for some breakfasts and lunches and it has taken effect. Mostly on m&d I need explosives to gee up my system. But all that did help. your dinner sounds yummy. We are having gammon and chips tonight with fresh pineapple, peas and broccoli. Tesco have a healthy living gammon steak now. It is a little more price per kg, but you are only paying for meat, not for the fat you cut off and throw out.Christie that's rotten about no sleep. Does he have high blood pressure?
Ye he does, his mum does too so must run in the family, when he went to a&e in agony with pains in his back they thought he was having a heart attack as his bp was 200/170 lol we tried telling them it felt like a pulled muscle in the back anyway 5 hours later and ecg's and xrays etc..they come to the conclusion he pulled a muscle in his back lol but since then he went to docs to check his bp and it was still around 170/120 so hes on pills now and his bp is about 130/85ish so they are working, hes on a 24 hour bp test atm just about to go have it taken off thankfully lol