2012's hopeful diary

Yesterday went well. All of the bounce weight has gone and tea, both courses was lovely.

Today I have had tostadas for breakfast, I will have a ham ciabatta for lunch and prawns and spinach and the other half of the cherries for tea, plus a bottle of beer.

Even if I drink the whole bottle, we usually share, that comes in at just over 1200kcals!

ON AN UP DAY?? OMG, I must find a way of smuggling some chocolate into the house. It must be the type that is invisible on days beginning with T :D
Another DD - I seem to be back in the groove.

Tostadas for breakfast and tuna salad for tea and all will be well. I think I shall squeeze in half a bottle of beer too - 502kcals(ish).

Then back to planning a meal for tomorrow. I really fancy a curry, made from scratch. Probably from watching Rick Stein India. Chicken or fish, fish or chicken.... both and make it a bit of a banquet? But our anniversary is next weekend (24 years.... Holy Wotsit Batman) so I may save it till then. I think that depends on OH and his job situation. Job = posh meal out.

Oh, I don't know. Why do I insist on reading cookery books on DDs? :)
Midweek weigh in, I got impatient. 1lb down 3 to go for my anniversary target :)
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Went clothes shopping today. I have cleared out all of my old clothes, yes, even the ones under the bed, mainly because they are all way too big for me :)

I only wanted to window shop, thinking I'll wait a while longer. But there are sales on! So I went into Mistral and tried on a size 16 skirt.... it fit. No really, it fit. Not just, or with a squeeze, or OK with a baggy top. It fit. I tried it on with a shortish cardi. You know, one of those that stops at the top of your bum, not 2 inches below it. I bought them both!

So not only am I in size 16 I am in a small size 16 and don't have to rely on biggily baggily tops to cover my, erm, bumpy bits. OK they are still there, but they are becoming manageable :)

Woo and hoo!
Oh the bounce, the bounce. I knew I shouldn't have stepped on the scales today :)

Come on, get a grip 3lbs in 6 days...... it's not the most unachievable goal you've ever set!

OK, so anniversary is in 4 days, but I've never been all that stuck on numbers :)
Exercise Week 1, Day 1

Aim: 1 mile at a steady pace
Actual: 0.8 mile in 14minutes 30 seconds, 4mph equivalent. 109kcals

I am using Nina Barough's beginner walking programme. I need to be very careful of how much I do, in the past I have done far too much too soon and set myself back a lot. Must be one of the dangers of having been a fitness instructor for so long - my body remembers doing so much more! Sadly with the CFS and anaemia that is all behind me know. I need to get back into it slowly or I just keel over and sleep for a week, then feel rough for months.

So. My test walk is done. Felt fine, even walking up the hill was no real trouble. So on Tuesday I will add the power arms and try to finish in 14 minutes (30 seconds faster than today). I would do a whole mile but I have forgotten the landmark to turn round at, so I just walked a small loop. I'll take the car out tomorrow and find that landmark again :) I'll stick to that for 2 weeks, every other day, as per the programme. It says to stretch on the days in between. I am sorely tempted to do some bag work or resistance band work. But I shall resist, I shall resist, I shall resist....

I will also get the battery in my Polar HR monitor replaced. Oh, how I used to love that thing!
Exercise Week 1, Day 1

Aim: 1 mile at a steady pace
Actual: 0.8 mile in 14minutes 30 seconds, 4mph equivalent. 109kcals

I am using Nina Barough's beginner walking programme. I need to be very careful of how much I do, in the past I have done far too much too soon and set myself back a lot. Must be one of the dangers of having been a fitness instructor for so long - my body remembers doing so much more! Sadly with the CFS and anaemia that is all behind me know. I need to get back into it slowly or I just keel over and sleep for a week, then feel rough for months.

So. My test walk is done. Felt fine, even walking up the hill was no real trouble. So on Tuesday I will add the power arms and try to finish in 14 minutes (30 seconds faster than today). I would do a whole mile but I have forgotten the landmark to turn round at, so I just walked a small loop. I'll take the car out tomorrow and find that landmark again :) I'll stick to that for 2 weeks, every other day, as per the programme. It says to stretch on the days in between. I am sorely tempted to do some bag work or resistance band work. But I shall resist, I shall resist, I shall resist....

I will also get the battery in my Polar HR monitor replaced. Oh, how I used to love that thing!

Sounds like you are doing amazingly well!!
I know that is a bit quicker than many people can do, but I was once very, very fit. Still fat, but fit.

I will know if I have got it right this time in about 4 weeks, when I will have doubled the distance. I'll be able to see what adaptations my body is really making to the addition of exercise. I am happy to shorten the Beginners plan by skipping some the duplicate weeks - but I will NOT be skipping straight to the Intermediate plan. This time I will be trusting another professional :)

I seem to mean business this time :D
452kcals and all is well.

Feta salad pitta for lunch - those Warburton's round things are nice. The other half can wait until tomorrow's lunch, avocado salad!
Skinny soup for tea.

2nd walk tomorrow, I changed the day to match UDs.

All in all, I feel hopeful that I will be fully back in the groove by the time I go back to work :)
What's that saying? Pride goeth before a fall...

Well, I was a little bit late getting my contraceptive injection and oh my god do I feel lousy today?

I use depo for a good reason - no periods, no period pains. Well, today I am suffering... sorry this will be far too much info... I feel as though there is a BIG ballon full of water sat on my pelvis trying to get out!!

I couldn't go out to walk, if I stand up gravity helps that balloon. I tried getting in the Wii... nooooooooooooooooooooo!

But I haven't started comort eating - yet!


Ah well. I will start again tomorrow - ooh August 1st, that's handy. Nothing is lost, just a tad delayed :)
I'm glad that is over. I have just been looking for ladies running clubs, ones with absolute beginner groups. There is a good sounding one really close!

So now I have something to focus on. They run them in 10 week block, so I have 10 weeks to get myself ready to go and join. They do 5K races and all sorts of fun sounding stuff. I may be able to enjoy that! They also have a boot camp. I wonder if, once I am fitter, I could offer to run another one for them, get back into fitness instructing.....? Maybe that could be a mid term goal, say Easter next year?

Listen to me, off I go again, jumping way ahead of my current ability :) Promise: I will NOT join any club until I can walk: jog: walk rather than die at the jog. Maybe a 10 minute mile.... 30 minutes of power walking without too much wheezing..... I'll check my numbers on that before I commit. But I WILL get fit again and this will be the last time I screw it up being all enthusiastic.

I went shopping yesterday. I didn't intend to buy anything, it was more of a recce.

I tried on about 10 dresses all size 16 and they all fit really nicely, except for 3 of them, that were TOO BIG! All of them were normal high street stuff, no more big girls shops for me!

I really need 2 pairs of trousers so I will go out again tomorrow and see what I can find. With my hips I suspected that 16s would be a bit tight, but I don't know now!

It's exciting!

I will be back :)
I went shopping yesterday. I didn't intend to buy anything, it was more of a recce.

I tried on about 10 dresses all size 16 and they all fit really nicely, except for 3 of them, that were TOO BIG! All of them were normal high street stuff, no more big girls shops for me!

I really need 2 pairs of trousers so I will go out again tomorrow and see what I can find. With my hips I suspected that 16s would be a bit tight, but I don't know now!

It's exciting!

I will be back :)

Well done - I've just dropped a jean size today - still grinning! Good luck
This is really inspirational to read. I am just starting 5:2. A steady 1lb a week would be amazing. I think I'll start my own diary tomorrow. Keep up the good work. X
Went to Next, tried on 3 pairs of trousers and they fit!

Didn't buy them though - front pockets looked like elephant ears, not good.

Went to House of Fraser, posh bit, and there was a sale on... bought a skirt, size 16... really liked it, thought it could be a present to myself at £30. I checked the seams and thought, yes, I can take this in. Got to the til.... £21, result!

Then went to Mistral for one of their shrug cardi's... sale on.... tried on 2 dresses and a couple of tops. Bought a top and shrug, size 16 in the sale too. Dress was OK but the stripes hit me mid bust at the front and lower at the back - not a good look :(

So, no trousers for me this year :D

Skupio, bear in mind my 1lb a week has included a LOT of non dieting weeks, probably about 1/3 of them not dieting. I am not in a hurry and want this to be a one time thing, slowly off and permanent. But most importantly doable without making me miserable. I am absolutely sure I could have lost a lot more had I been more scrupulous with kcal counting and doing it each and every week properly. But I am not sure it would have been as easy to continue with.

Good luck with your losses.
1lb more gone. Yay!
Oh please let it be Monday. I so need a DD! I've got Sunday tea to get through yet!

I start work again tomorrow! Summer holiday is over :(

But I feel ready for another great DD splurge, so I may be able to put a hurry up on the weight loss. I have been very very lazy for a few weeks!

At the moment I just feel full, and I only had scrambled eggs and bacon this morning, 3 hours ago! Blech!
Love your non scale victories and your approach to things, you've maintained a really great downward trend over your journey and thats the important thing, well done you!
Sheesh, talk about lazy. I forgot to plan..

It seems it is true, if you fail to prepare then you prepare to fail, and all that.

But I found an interesting ********* thing about salads in jars. Seems lettuce etc stays nice and fresh if you throw it into a glass jar. There are even websites/blogs about preparing a weeks worth of salads in jars!

So I thought I'd give it a whirl. It would mean I won't waste much, and I have a few cucumbers in the greenhouse that need eating. I have jars, I usually make jams and chutneys, salads will be an unusual change :)

So I am off shopping shortly. Carrots, boiled beetroot in those vac pacs, lettuce and all sorts of interesting stuff, including a dressing or two! I'll grab some extra protein for Up Days. Yay!

EDIT: I can't even remember what I typed that came up as the stars! Oh! My apologies, advertising another social network, bad me! How P interesting that that got starred!
What a stonking tip, I only grocery shop once a week so this is perfect for me and means I can have salad all week, you superstar!