2013 the year i get skinny again!!..


Full Member
Hi peeps.
I'm starting again. Fingers crossed that 2013 is gonna be the year for me to be skinny!! ?
I have been on SW in the past & lost 2 1/2 stone, then had a baby & put that & more bck on, went bck to SW in jan last year but wsnt really in the right frame of mind to do it.
Havnt been on plan for over 6 months & am bck to the weight i was this time last year, am really feeling that this time im gonna do it. woukd like to loose at least 3st.
Appreciate any replies
Hopefully we can motivate each other
Good luck everyone x
Well ive just come bck from class & as I predicted I'm the same weight I was this time last year!
I've had a quick look at the new books which look great & am eager to start this weight loss journey!
I'm hoping that by using this food diary to keep track of what I'm eating will help me succeed with my weight loss.

Here goes
Please feel free to comment if there is any mistakes.

Breakfast: 1slice 400g wm bread(HEB)
with small scraping of butter (2syns)

Lunch(early lunch as I start work at 12:30 with no break)
Tuna pasta salad with spring onion, red & green peppers, cucumber, grated carrot & 1 1/2 tablespoon of light mayo. (3 1/2 syns)

Dinner: cauliflower curry with SW chips & batchelors rice

I will add in snacks later
Also need to fit in my HEA & havnt have my full allowance of HEB.