3 stone to go


Full Member
I'm starting a diary as I know I'm going to need it for help and support as I've really been struggling lately, I have followed s&s last year with ease and did great on it but have since struggled to get back on track and keep gaining weight.

I did another attemp at s&s on Monday weighing in at 13stone, I completed 2days of s&s then 1 day if eating healthy then yesterday ate crap including 4 kit kat chunks which I didn't even like and 2 bags of crisp.

I've downloaded the beck diet solution book to see if it will help as I have no idea why I do it, why did I eat 4 bars if chocolate that I don't even like!

Anyway here's to day 1 with a starting weight of 12st12.2lbs
Today is the day, have been reading the beck duet solution which has helped alot, I even debated joining weight watchers but am giving s&s a final shot with the help of the book.

Have write down the reasons why I want to lose weight, the food packs I will be having in advance and a few notes to myself to motivate me.

I wonder wether I should give myself see times to have packs aswell, I normally wait until I feel like one but I was thinking maybe 9am, 1pm, 5pm and 9pm as I then know exactly when it's coming .
Oh and start weight is 12stone 13.6

I don't normally have my packs at set times so think I'm going to start to have them at times.

Plan for today is choc shake, toffee shake, crispy vanilla shake, 2 eggs, 100mls of milk for coffee, 1.5 litres of water separate from my shakes.

- I can do this
- stay strong
- 1 day at a time

I'm going to make myself a little chart so I can Put a star for everyday I've been 100%, I'm also thinking of something visual so I can see how much I've lost, I'm thinking bottles of water as they arnt expensive lol