30 Day Shred DVD


Good ol' Amazon!! My DVD arrived today so I have no excuse.

I just need to get my DVD player linked up to my TV (I never really sorted it out when I moved)

I'm going to start it on Monday when I get serious with the diet and pills again so hopefully by the time I weigh in at the Doc's on the 10th Jan I will have lost some weight!!

Merry Christmas everyone
Yes, it's by Jillian Michaels from the US version of the Biggest Loser.

It claims you can lose up to 20lbs in 30 days which I'm guessing would be if you did the hardest level (level 3).

I played it on my laptop earlier just to see what I've let myself in for and it doesn't look to difficult to do, it's just that she doesn't let you rest as the sessions are only 20 mins.

My plan is to still wait for Monday to start everything a fresh, but I'm strangely looking forward to it!

The only thing you need extra with this DVD is a set of small hand weights. I've already got some D-shaped weights but she uses dumb bells so I'm hoping the 2nd and 3rd level are still exercises i can do with these ones.
She uses the dumb bells in all levels. And highly recommend getting some before you start..

It looks easy but trust me... you will curse her! I'll bump up my thread I did a few weeks back.. just to give you a read.. I mixed and matched the days and ran out of time before we had to Ho away. But ill be doing it again when we get back...

Good luck
Well my first work out has been rearranging the furniture so I have the room to do my 30 day shred! I only have a one bedroom flat so space is limited but I'm trying to get it set up so I don't have to move stuff everytime i want to do the DVD, as that is a sure way I'll start thinking "sod it" and then I wont carry on with it. So in the same positive mood I got back on the little blue pills yesterday, I am also dedicated to doing the DVD every day and will see what difference there is by the end of January.

I'm really keen to get as close to my goal as early into 2011 as I can!!
Well, on watching the DVD I'd foolishly said it wasn't anything I wouldn't be able to do, trouble is I forgot how unfit I am at any actual exercise!! Yes I go for long walks and work up a sweat but jumping jacks?? Lifting weights and moving at the same time????

I feel like I'm dying!!!

Needless to say i've just done my first work out from the 30 day shred DVD!! (and only level 1!!)

I will not give up though, so tomorrow I will try to do it first thing and get it over with.
Oh and the hand weights I have are 2kgs each but as i lost 3kgs at my first weigh in with the docs it kind of reminded me how bad it is for me to be carrying all this extra weight, because I really struggled with some of those moves because I was lifting the extra 4kgs!

Even more incentive to lose my blubber!!