

Silver Member
Finally put this on today. I thought it would be Ok, I'm abit smaller now, and can do aerobics dvds ok. Am I the only one that struggled with even the modified moves? I was determined and did finish it, but I think I'm gonna feel it in the morning! Tell me it gets easier, I'm abit deflated that I struggled with a 20 min workout!
Ah ok you are better than me, I tried it once & never did it again, I should give it another go now I am lighter & fitter, problem for me is the press ups due to my wrist problems, I do have weights now though so I can maybe do it all bar the press ups... My zumba class isn't on for 2 weeks as she is on holiday so maybe that is what I will do..... Note I said maybe lol
Once I have got my asthma back under control I will be back to it ... My Physio would at the time only let me do level 1, however I hope once I am back to it ... I will complete it... I found it easy to fit in with my every day routine... Well accept the press ups.. I can not do them to save my life x
PurpleMum said:
Finally put this on today. I thought it would be Ok, I'm abit smaller now, and can do aerobics dvds ok. Am I the only one that struggled with even the modified moves? I was determined and did finish it, but I think I'm gonna feel it in the morning! Tell me it gets easier, I'm abit deflated that I struggled with a 20 min workout!

Forgot to say.. Don't get deflated the first time I did it I was a shivering quivering wreck.l it did get easier as the week went on.. X
I really hope so. i'm not going to do it 30 days straight. I will just kill myself. Maybe three times a week. I can tell now I'll be on level one for more than 10 workouts! But yeah, 20 mins is really appealing. As Jillian says...no excuses (We'll see;)).
I re-tried it about 2 months ago - I still have lots of trouble doing the push ups, even the modified version. I am definately tempted to dust it off and try again but I ached for 2 days after i did it agin for the first time.......my poor muscles...lol
Have done day 2, and it was actually abit more managable. felt it for a day or two after I did day one, so think I'll stick with aiming for about 3 a week!
yay I think 3 times a week is enough.. are you enjoying it?
I like to pretend I am on biggest loser when I am doing it.. very sad I know.. x
yay I think 3 times a week is enough.. are you enjoying it?
I like to pretend I am on biggest loser when I am doing it.. very sad I know.. x
Enjoying it is probably a stretch too far! but I do like the punching bits, I can imagine its someone or something! It seems to quicker second time around, and I didn't feel like I was about to die imminently. Only irritation is that the girls don't always seem to exercise in time ot the beat of the music, which throws me abit at times. I guess once I get familiar with it, it won't matter so much.
How sw going for you? Have your 'alcohol conceilment devices' arrived?
PurpleMum said:
Enjoying it is probably a stretch too far! but I do like the punching bits, I can imagine its someone or something! It seems to quicker second time around, and I didn't feel like I was about to die imminently. Only irritation is that the girls don't always seem to exercise in time ot the beat of the music, which throws me abit at times. I guess once I get familiar with it, it won't matter so much.
How sw going for you? Have your 'alcohol conceilment devices' arrived?

Sw going really well, just a shame I had a client visit to London today which throw me out of plan...
Alcohol concealment devices have arrived and I believe will do the trick :)
Day 3 done, and it does get easier. Lexie's got me thinking about the Davina, but I got a box set of jillian. think I'm going to commit myself to stick at the 30ds for a while, and then try the other dvd's I've already got before I start getting more. Although I think I might be able to borrow some others from the library to mix it up a bit from time to time.
PurpleMum said:
Day 3 done, and it does get easier. Lexie's got me thinking about the Davina, but I got a box set of jillian. think I'm going to commit myself to stick at the 30ds for a while, and then try the other dvd's I've already got before I start getting more. Although I think I might be able to borrow some others from the library to mix it up a bit from time to time.

My Davina is old now, bet you'd get it cheap on ebay, its the power of 3. I'm going to attempt to do c25k on the treadmill at the gym see how I get on......
My Davina is old now, bet you'd get it cheap on ebay, its the power of 3. I'm going to attempt to do c25k on the treadmill at the gym see how I get on......
I have been toying with the idea of c25k for a while. I want to stick at some of the things I've already started. I can add more down the line. maybe sign up for a charity 5k next summer. If people are paying, I will have to prepare! There have been rave reviews about the c25k. i think i tunes has a free podcast that guides you through it in real time with music and a voiceover for guidance. It is accessible via some nhs site i think.