4th day - Not to well


So I've woke up this morning feeling really dizzy & as though I'm going to vom :jelous:

I started LT on Monday & could only manage 2 shakes + 2 litres of water - let my self down & nibbled on abit of pasta when feeding my little girl.

Tuesday I managed 1 shake & 1/2 of the chicken soup (its rank) - & nibbled again :( on a slice of bread (with nothing on)

Wednesday was a more positive day, I had 2 shakes, 1 black t with 1 sweetner & about a litre of water.

Thursday (today) I've managed to have a black t with 1 sweetner, going to have a shake in a bit hopefully it will make me feel abit better. :confused:

Has/is anyone else feeling like this? Feedback would be much appreciated
I know if I stick to it rigidly, drink 4 litres of water and don't go anywhere near food I will feel fine. Only if you're not spacing your shakes and water right will you get the dizziness etc. If you feel wobbly get some water in you. I ensure I have a shake at 11am, 3pm and 7pm. If I don't do this then I get hungry, rumbly belly and I don't feel great.

Get a regime going and you'll do fine. This is my second time on Lipotrim and it worked for me last time so I'm doing the same again.

Do not give into temptation - be it a tiny bit of pasta or bite of bread - these are probably the worst things you could have nibbled as they are pure carbs. The quicker you forget food the better. Imagine it's like going cold turkey off an addiction. Ignore the food. Embrace the water!

Keep it up hun - we're all here to support you xxx