Total Solution 5 Stone - January to June

Day 6 and I'm all over this! Just got to get a bit more water, ready for weigh in tomorrow!

Quite excited. Haven't struggled anywhere near as much as in the past.

Hope you've all had a great Tuesday!

This is what the dress looks like...

My face is hidden because of my job!

Obviously still super fat but doing something about it instead of crying!
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You look fabulous in that dress!! Same height as me but you have a MUCH better figure!! Love the smiley face lol good luck for WI tomorrow :) xx
The dress looks fab !!
Nice shoes too :D
Ahh lovely dress! Good luck for WI tomorrow! :)))
Hahaha! Thanks guys! Obviously I'll wear a cardigan and tights with it!
Weigh in...and I've lost 10lbs! Well chuffed and into the 14's! Yay!
Woop well done! :D I think we have very simular journeys hun, Weight/Height. Are your stats updated? xx
Thanks! No, I need to do it on a computer. Weighing in at 14st 12lbs today!
That's fab nonni :D
Well done :D
Fab news on the 10lb loss!! :D
Major wobbles this morning. I've had a scrambled egg and some prawn mayonnaise (at 9:45 in the morning)....I'm ruining it for myself and I know it's because I have no fizzy water in the house. I find tap water really hard to drink!

I'm going to go out in a bit and get some then haul it all home.
And the wobbles continue...had a row with my sister and I have eaten A LOT.

I know it's because I'm planning to eat on Saturday, I can't get my head right. I'm going to forget about it, ash it away with water and carry on as if it never happened.

It's all because of my bad organisation. I should've gone and got more water yesterday and I didnt. It's that whole thing with the 15's. like I want to fail? Argh!
Stick to your plan nonni. Get some water and start again, right away !
Well....that was a fail.

Restart today!

Onwards and downwards

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