790 YAY or NEY?!!!?!?!


Full Member
Hey all 3rd thread of the day think im becoming ADDICTED.

I was wondering what was the weight loss on the 790 is averaging to be?!?!?!?

Do u actually go into Ketosis on it? In the long run is it better or easier to follow than the Sole Source??:confused:
I can't answer what the weight loss is on 790 because I am doing SS. It's only day 9 for me but I just wanted to say that SS might seem a bit scary and over the top but trust me once you get into ketosis, normally around day 4, it' a piece of cake. You just have to get through the first few days and after that kind of plain sailing.....

Just wanted to share my views on SS as I was a bit apprehensive at first but it's worked out fine.

Not sure if this is any help t o you at all.....so i'm going to stop going on :D

Good luck with whichever one you decide to do!!!!!