
Sorry to hear about your mam Kels. My thoughts and prayers are with you both. :hug99:I can totally understand where you are at the moment emotionally. Just let your mam know that you are there for her day or night. Do you know what type of cancer she has?

I don't know if I said this before but in July 2007 I was diagnosed with bowel cancer. I was devastated. I went to the appointment myself just expecting to be told that I needed to take some antacids. Telling people was the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. H2B was the only one I could tell face to face. My folks and the rest of the family were away in Spain on hols and so I had to tell them over the phone. Not very nice at all. So if you need a chat don't be afraid to ask. I ended up having to have my bowel removed and have a permanent ilesotomy. It was a scary time for me but having people to talk to that were out of the immediate family was a life saver. I now have to go for regular checks to ensure that there is no cancer in my stomach as I have been told that my chances are increased :(. Infact I am for a endoscopy on Monday afternoon.

Chin up my dear! Xxxx
Sorry to hear this. Don't panic about what and what not to do, she's your mum and you'll know each other inside out. Just be there for each other and take everything one day at a time.

The treatments now are very good and still developing, its not as bad as it was years ago, so take heart!

Kels, so sorry to hear about your mums news. Its the hardest thing you have to hear from someone close to you - I have been in similar situation. As the gang have said above, be there for her, its a huge shock for everyone involved but stay strong together and you can all get through this.

I really hope your mum hears some positive news about her illness and that she makes a full recovery. Big Hug xxx
im better. we found out the other day its not terminal so its a step in the right direction.

thanks for your concern x