A lifetime of diets


Full Member
Always felt chunky even from an early age . What started out as puppy fat ended up as obesity . I was always told 'eat your tea or you go to bed' so being a good girl I did - every morsel and that continued through my life . My mum and I used to have secret treats when my dad was out and that continued too. Later in life when I was a single parent I didn't have to restrict the secret eating as no one was coming home, so it went on for as long as I wanted . I ballooned . At my heaviest I have been twenty stone . I have lost most of my weight three times but piled it back on again in no time . Two years ago I thought that it was time to do something a but more radical after trying all diets under the sun . I paid to have a gastric band . I lost three stone but unfortunately for me it has not been the answer to all my prayers . I have put a stone back on. When I went for the band I thought I just ate too much at meal times . I was in denial . I snack too . I have had various band adjustments but it's not the band at fault , it's me.
So here I am. My head is completely mashed with a lifetime of diets, hypnotherapy, tapes, food replacements, slimming tablets etc.
On Monday I joined slimming world again and have committed to the 40 days of Lent. I had a wobble on day three, my blood sugar level was low and I ate two cakes and chocolate . But the good news is, this is day 5 , back on track and just had a great breakfast . I even made a 'potato cake' with smash, water and egg just so my breakfast looked indulgent . It worked . Best breakfast I have had in ages. Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself. I like cooking so may post some recipes as I go along on my 40 day journey . Hello to everyone ! Debs x
]It's now day six of forty and although I have done ok I don't feel any different . The scales will tell tomorrow . I really have restricted my fat intake and increased fruit and veg . I have had only my allowance of dairy and filled up on meat and pasta . I have snacked on mug shots and mint millers , drank lots of water and cooked a variety of allowable meals . Overall I have used my syns and made sure I have started the day with a good breakfast . If I could score myself out of 100 this week I would say I would award myself 85% . What would you award yourself this week ? I marked myself down because one night I ate cake and chocolate that wasn't planned[