A little tweaking may be required!!!


Hmmm, I went for my WW WI today (and day 5 of taking Xenical), and was suprised to find I had gained 1/2 lb!!

does it take a while to fine tune fat consumption/meds? WW is (should be) a low fat diet if done correctly, and up until now (pre xenical) I have been losing at a steady rate of 2lb per week.

any thoughts?


DebsC x
weight watchers meals and things often have a higher level of fat in them then the 5 percent , most of the meals ive seen have been higher... i suggest using just healthy eating on its own with xenical thats what ive been doing and had no problems so far...
I dont use the ww meals (couldnt afford to atm, even if I was so inclined), I just 'point' what I eat, and try to keep anything below 5%, but thanks for taking the trouble to reply :)

Hi hun.. ive been on ww and xenical now 4 2 months together. I was not losing on WW as i was not eating my full points and on xenical i was not eating ENOUGH fat.

what i did was rethink my meals, use a cal/fat counter online and find a balance between food that is worth eating for it spoint value and tried to eat atleast 1300 cals and about 25-30g fat. Also ive started drinking 1.5L water and doing less resistance exercies... This has helped plus cut back on bread as this particular carb does not agree with me.

Maybe a small change in the food ur eating.. i find it hard to folllow the 5/100g rule everyday so follow it best as i can.

hope this helps.