A question for the ladies


Full Member
Ive been going great guns up until now and have followed LT 100%, but Im worried about my first weigh in.

I will only be on day 6 when I have my first weigh in, but Ive started my period (sorry if tmi) today and I can put on anywhere between 3-5lbs on before and during the start but lose it a few days later. Im worried that if I havent lost any weight it will demotivate me and Ill cheat!!

Has menstrual weight gain effected anyone else?? Im hoping that its given this month a miss bit I doubt it as I feel bloated and uncomfortable as usual.

Sarah xx
I'm a laydeeee. hehe.

Srsly though, I know it seems to affect a lot of people but I'd not worry too much on week 1. If you've only lost 2-3lbs you're probably going to lose loads more next week than you would have done otherwise. :)
Yep, agree with And.
You need to keep remembering that over a month, you should lose approx 1 stone and you need to have a longer view. Fingers crossed you have a good loss this week anyway x x x
yeah women usually put on water weight but since your on ketosis and drinking gallons of water on LT you should be fine :)