Advice please


Full Member
Well as alot of you might know from my previous posts im MASSIVE and had numerous unsucsessfull attempts a CWP

My CC came every 2 weeks as she live about a 40 min drive away and i think i found that quite hard, i kept cheating and telling myself i had 2 weeks before my next weigh so it does'nt matter then the next day i would say the same and so on it was just a vicious circle, iv spoken to my CC and she is AMAZING so supportive i acctually beleive she wants me to lose weight just as much as i do shes so lovely... Anyway she said she would make the trip weekly which i think would make me alot less likely to cheat as i only have 1 week to lose weight

When im on the diet all i can think about is food but when i cave and eat it i really dont enjoy it and feel really sick and i dont know why i do it :(

Anyway what i wanted to know is do you think if you dont stick to it the 1st time every retry after that will end the same or does it acctually get easyier the longer you stick to it? The furthest iv got was 13 days and i was absolutly miserable. Do you think its worth the money to try again or should i just reside myself to the fact im destined to be FAT forever??

Kirsty x
No one is destined to be fat. You must try your hardest - and only you can do this - to stick with it.

It really isn't easy - it's the most difficult thing i've ever done (but i've also said it's one of the easiest diets to be on, and once your head is sorted - it's a breeze).

Why did you give in after 13 days? That's a long time to just cave. You've got to know your trigger points - and if being miserable makes you cheat - you've got to change your attitude.

I think everyone who is successful on CD absolutely LOVES it. OK, we might have had the odd day / week when it's been hideous, but the good certainly outweighs the bad. And once the weight starts to shift, that's the biggest incentive ever.

You've got to embrace CD and make it work for you.

Only you can make this work. Only you can find the willpower. Everyone will be able to give you advice and encouragement, but it's up to you to be strong. No-one else can be strong for you.

I'm sure you'll find it. And don't be so hard on yourself - seriously, we are only human!!

At my heaviest I weighed in at just over 22 stone , I had tried CD so many times and never made it past day 10...I just couldnt do it...the feeling of well being and the limitless energy I had red about just never set in and I just felt a litlle bit more dead everyday.
This time I tried SS+ and that small meal just made all the the weeks have gone past it has got easier and easier....I can only compare it too stopping smoking...its the habits you have to break.
If you get up in the morning and think *todays gonna be awful* then it probly will be , put food out of your head and focus on more positive how great your gonna feel every time you get weighed and that weights dropping off...or going into *normal* shops and buying clothes insted of just getting what fits from Evans.
You can do it if you put your mind to it and stay positive and realy is that easy!
Jo x
I definitely think the longer your on it the easier it becomes, it does sort of become habit. I'm on week 13 and it just seems second nature now. X
Sauljasisaac said:
I definitely think the longer your on it the easier it becomes, it does sort of become habit. I'm on week 13 and it just seems second nature now. X

I do too I'm on week 10 now and have been 100% all the way thru and have lost 45lbs I started at 19.5 and started this diet the day after my 33rd birthday after deciding enough was enough and I was fed up of being fat. I have a fat photo of me on my fridge and a tin on the top that my friend bought me off eBay and every 1lb I lose I put a £1 in m tin and it's starting to shake quite nicely now :) I refuse to be fat before I had my son 15 years ago I was a size 10/12 and I gained 4 stone with him then just went bigger and bigger but no longer I want my kids not be ashamed of me
I have tried loads of plans and diets. This one for me means I can not stress about food and it is lovely to not have that guilt hanging over me, like it did every day when I would binge on bad junk.
My mind is set this time. I have a feeling of ease about me and I really can visualise this plan working for me. My CDC is fab as well and I think she was more happy than I was with my weigh in today lol.
Im going to give it another shot, my CC comes wednesday and i just hope things are different this time and im able to stick to it
I can relate to everything you said.
In 2008 i started cambridge for the first time, i was only 18. I lost almost 4 stone in just over 2 and a half months! It fell off me so quickly, but my mind hadn't cought up with how well i was doing, so i gave up (like most things in my life) & i went back to the old me, and worse.

2nd March 2012, i started cambridge for the second time. I'm 22 now!
I've lost 4 stone in 15 weeks, and my mind is in the right place this time. I think thats what its about really, unless you're mentally ready for this, it'll never work. I don't think about food anymore, the time i have had something to eat during this journey hasn't been because i've been hungry or that i've craved it, its been peer pressure of being out/socialising. By myself in doors i am strong and i can do anything. I've had amazing losses every week and this has been the best decision of my life.

Good luck with whatever decision you make, you can never fail if you never give up :) x