

Full Member
Would really appreciate advice today.
Not been able to go to weigh in today as have been very unwell the last 4 days :(
Judging by my scales I'm down another 4lb which is great but I've been struggling to get shakes down the last 3 days.Most I have managed since Tuesday is 2 and yesterday I couldn't even manage 1.I've been drinking loads of ice cold water but that's pretty much it.I tried a shake again this morning but only got through half of it.My hubby near enough begged me to eat a slice of toast last night just so I had something in me (I didn't have any).Now feeling so weak it's ridiculous and I really don't know what to do as I'm fully aware not taking your shakes is not a great thing.
To be honest I don't think its good that you can't get your shakes down. If you cant manage them then would you not have the chicken salad from the refeed menu at least to get some protein and vits etc. I had 2 small bowl of chicken salad on Monday because I fainted and it didn't knock me out of ketosis and got straight back to LT on the tues! Just a suggestion if your not able for the shakes. You could also ring your chemist and ask them advice aswell just to make sure you do the right thing!

Really hope you feel better soon you need to mind yourself! x
You should have something, pref your shakes, but you must have some goodness in your body or you will feel weak. Could you try the shake warm? or even just half a one with loads of water? I know when you feel rough the last thing you need is to eat, especially things with strong flavours, but something is needed to keep your body going. Hope you feel better soon.
x x x
In my opinion (and I do have some medical knowledge as I am a nurse) regardless of whether you are on a diet or not if you are feeling ill and not eating but ARE drinking plenty of water then I wouldn't worry hun as long as it is short term. People do lose their appetite when they are ill and if you weren't on this diet I still think you wouldn't have eaten much because you've not been well. I wouldn't be concerned if you are drinking enough water but obviously if it carries on for days and days then seek some medical advice. But short term then I wouldn't worry hun. Your shakes will start to go down better when you start to feel better. Get well soon xx
Thanks everyone x
Twinklecheeks - yes I've been drinking lots and to be honest because I've felt so dehydrated I've been drinking water like it was going out of fashion.Must admit the thought of eating has never been less appealing but was concerned at the effect the lack of anything except water would be having.hoping another very early night wrapped up warm will help and will see what tomorrow brings x