

Hey everyone,

I'm a newbie here I tend to read but thought I'd say hi and also ask for a bit of help.

I'm doing Cambridge for the 2nd time, unfortunately last time I ended up having to have my gall bladder removed quickly so had to come off it. I'm a stone away from being the weight I was when I started it 1st time so I had enough of WW or SW and came back to what works.

I'm on day 8 and mentally feel fine with the diet however I'm a serial weigher and have stayed the same weight since sunday. I also have been having number 2 issues I've take some senna but hasn't worked. Does anyone have any advice with a) how I can speed my weight loss up and b) go to the toilet!

So far I've lost 13 pounds, I want to lose 7 stone so I've got a long way to go it shouldn't slow do!

Thanks guys,

Anna xxx
hey Anna:)
Im totaly O.C.D on the scales as well ...Im on every morning ....I just cant help myself...but this does happen they do sometimes stand still for days (thats maybe why they tell us to keep off them eh;p)
On this diet you dont #2 a lot lol...if the laxatives did nothing Im thinking maybe theres nothing to come out!
Try having a bottle of water with you all the time and just keep sipping regularly...I do 3-5 litres a day most days...that should keep your bowels working ok
You need to be patient! 13lbs in a week is a lot and more than most lose, but you know its not going to come off at that rate every week.
you just need to stick with it and the lbs fall 2nd week was a bit slow after I had a big loss 1st week..just seems to work like that
Jo x
If you feel like you have a 'rock' to pass in the bathroom department then try some movicol (only available in the chemist, you dissolve it in water) it's good because it's not a purgative which can give you awful stomach ache, all it does is soften the stool so that you can pass it, without the pain, and strain!
However if you don't feel like you need to have a bowel movement then don't worry too much about it as was previously mentioned... you tend not to go all that often as you're not really putting that much in!!

Hi there,

I am also a serial weigher, I weigh everyday and sometimes my weight does not go down but I know that I am being 100% and eventually it will move, you may find that it will go down a few pounds at a time.

If you cannot cope with the scales not budging and this will make you fail the plan then skip the scales.

As for number 2s, I only suffer if I don't drink enough water. Make sure your having enough and hopefully things should start moving, you can also get some fibre from your consultant.
Best of luck :)
This is also the second time for me & in my opinion.. second time has been better :) x x
Good luck with this 2nd attempt. I find drinking more water than the minimum 2 1/4 litres really helps.
Thank you so much for all your replies. I'm trying to drink about 4-5 litres a day as I only have the tetra packs. I'm feeling bloated which is y I think I need to go to the loo I'll take some more senna tonight and if it doesn't work try movicol.

Sinead I agree it's loads easier this time round!
