alcohol question. help


Silver Member
When you know you are going to gave a drink, is it better to eat a lower fat meal before it ? Chicken or fish with veg.
It says somewhere that your body breaks down alcohol before the fat,
What do you think?
I'm not sure about the fat from food effecting it, but since I started Atkins almost 2 months ago I haven't drunk hardly anything or desire to do so, as I want to stay in ketosis. I don't miss it either! However if I do go out I either have a vodka and soda water or vodka and diet coke. Careful though as low carbing suddenly makes you a light weight when it comes to drink. Just one drink for me can make me tipsy! Keeps me in ketosis too and a cheap night out! Win win situation.
Tanx for advice, DH's birthday on sunday and I kno we will open a bottle of wine, will just have to rely on will power, maybe ketosis will have kicked in, and it won't b too hard,still on my first week.
Tanx for advice, DH's birthday on sunday and I kno we will open a bottle of wine, will just have to rely on will power, maybe ketosis will have kicked in, and it won't b too hard,still on my first week.

How did it go Sammy1? I'm not on Atkins but on Dukan- also low carb high protein.
Alcohol is such an important part of my life and obviously I'm not having it coz of ze diet. Howeverrrrr...I also rate my social life highly and there are certain situations were needs must....
So yes...
how was it? Have you weighed yourself since?
Hope it was good :)
Hi haven't weighed since, want to leave it a few days, don't really want to know if it has stalled me, but I did not get any cravings the next day and still wasn't hungry. So I am happy enough.