

cambridge counsellor
is there any alcoholic drink that is ok?
its my little brothers 18th in a couple of weeks and im going out for a drink with him which have been looking forward to for a long time but it just dawned on me that i cant drink:sigh:

i usually drink vodka if i go out is this a big no no. Will it knock me out of ketosis?
I do LL, not CD, but alcohol is strictly prohibited on LL and I should think it is on CD too unfortunately. It's way calorific and I'm fairly certain it'd knock you out of ketosis..

Gemma x
hey dinkymonkey....Coming from a girl who loves a gd drink now and again i can (unfortunatley) say that the general rule is - NO alcohol...none at all! if you are going to have one i would advise have some proper food because alcohol+ss leads to very bad things - like not remembering that you make or may not have fell down stairs and thats why ur knee is blue, a terrible hangover etc!
it will kick you out of ketosis ... but if you are going to do it youve got to jump right back on the wagon immediately!!! dnt put it off ncus the longer you do the harder it is trust me im there!! lol
Hope all is well (and sorry for the bad news)
Lynz xx

I have done SS and drank quite a quantity of vodka and diet coke one weekend and managed to stay in ketosis. That said strictly speaking no alcohol is allowed and everyone is different.
However, you still have to live a little :D and if you really do want to have a few drinks then go for it as a special occasion
I would accept that for one night you will have a few drinks and it's possible you will dip out of ketosis, however just get straight back on track and stick with the diet again after :rolleyes:

I believe it can be quite dangerous to drink on a ketogenic diet, I read a report once that because your body makes ketones from the alcohol, you can leave your brain without fuel. Not quite sure how this works but try googling alcohol whilst following a ketogenic diet. You may find the report that I read.

Someone said to me Vodka and coke zero could be ok...Haven't put it to the test though!! And that's definitely not the official advice.

I'd hate to encourage you to do it though. Just be careful it doesn't set off cravings for other things.

Have a good time whatever you decide to do.
I ADORE red wine! when I went out I just had diet coke and surprised myself by still having a good time, no hangover, and I am still losing weight, you might surprise yourself, I kept thinking I'll have a red wine next, but after a bit I realised I was having just as good a nigth out, so didn't bother!

Enjoy your night anyway :D
Hi DinkyM...
I am a very social creature and pre CD I would be out every friday and down quite a few drinkkies (usually vodka based).. Also looove red wine..
At first on ss I avoided going out because I really thought I would have a rubbish time as usually I would REALLY let my hair down and didn't want to seem like a party pooper coz I wasn't drinking..
I did venture out a few weeks back.. What a laugh... I drank pints of soda water all night.. not only ok on the diet but free of charge in most pub / clubs (so I am a cheap date now).
I couldn't believe the state of some people who were out.. It's amazing what you see when you go out and stay sober.. The sights are amazing.. I came home thinking OMG did I used to look like that????:eek:
The other thing is I drank loads of water (prob more than usual) danced and had no hangover in the morning and lost 8lbs that week..
What more can you want...:D

Seriously though.. Think very carefully about what you want to do.. How improtant is your weight loss? If it did knock you out of ketosis could you go through those first days again?
Really good luck and have a lovely time whatever you decide,,
Kindest regards xxxxx