Alice in One-derland :)


Full Member
Hello Everyone,
I'd like to join in WeMITTS if I may, please :D

Long story short, I started 300+lbs, got down to 185lbs (happiest 5 minutes of my life!! :rolleyes:) but then accidentally crept back up to where I started, weighing 303lbs on December 1st this year... Oops!! How did I not notice that happening?? :mad::(

I'd like to be back in One-derland (the land of being in the 100lbs range, under 200lbs).

I'm using my old WW Pro Points calculator and have lost 13lbs so far. Fat little fingers crossed I'll hit my first stone tomorrow :)

I've done ALL THE DIETS and I find WW easiest but I'm a but rusty with the old points values, as it turns out. Had a shocker yesterday when I ate a little packet of Quorn cocktail sausages when out shopping, thinking they'd be about 2pp... got home and calculated 10pp!!!!!!! How rude!! Too late... in my tummy... :oops:

Perusing the diaries and entries on here keep me out of the fridge late at night so please keep them coming :D

Good luck all!!

Alice :)
Hi Alice and welcome!

It's a bit quiet in here at the moment but the regulars will be back in soon - and they're all fab support! Your story is very familiar, I've lost and gained countless times too - but just restarted on SW, so we can do this together! :D
Hi Alice and welcome!

It's a bit quiet in here at the moment but the regulars will be back in soon - and they're all fab support! Your story is very familiar, I've lost and gained countless times too - but just restarted on SW, so we can do this together! :D

Thank you :) I've never done SW - I'm a WW type - but I know a lot of people who have got on very well with it. I hope this time is an easy and successful one for you too!!
A :)
Not for the faint hearted:-

I had a rack of lamb for a dinner party last night and the butcher French trimmed it and gave me the trimmings in a bag (he said I'd paid for them so may as well find a use for them :confused:) so today I made stock for soup for dinner tonight. I boiled the trimmings in water and waited for it to cool so I could scrape the fat off the top. So... This is what just over half a pound of fat looks like!! I'll never ever say "I only lost a pound this week" again!! Gross :eek:


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Hi Alice. Just popping by to subscribe.
I used to follow the WW propoints plan and am going to see what the smart points plan is like but I think it'll take a while for me to get used to. So for now just eating healthy and exercising.
Good luck on your journey to one-derland :)
Hi Alice. Just popping by to subscribe.
I used to follow the WW propoints plan and am going to see what the smart points plan is like but I think it'll take a while for me to get used to. So for now just eating healthy and exercising.
Good luck on your journey to one-derland :)
Thank you Laura!! And to you too :) I didn't know WW had a new system... Googling now :rolleyes: I had a dreadful day today because there was leftover party food in the house (now in my tummy :oops:) but hopefully I can get back on the wagon tomorrow morning... Poor old wagon!! :D
A x
Husband:- (inspecting very small and ever-decreasing triangle of leftover birthday cake) have you been eating this cake?

Me:- No.

Husband:- who's been eating it then?

Me:- I think it was you. And then you forgot.

Husband:- *thinking I've married a monster :eek:

Me:- *thinking Phew, that was close :oops:

I am the crazy cake lady o_O:(:rolleyes: xx
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Good Golly Miss Molly, time to get back on the wagon (*wagon creaks and collapses):eek::eek:

My NYR is to be able to post the following status update on Facebook for NY2017:-

"For the first time since I was three months old, I am the correct weight for my height :) Happy New Year from a skinny *****!!"

My family are my only friends on Facebook so it's fine to be sentimental, weird and offensive ;) Just need to lose around 9 stone to make it happen :oops:

For now though, good luck to everyone here for slinkyness in 2016!!

A x
Hi Alice,

Sounds like a good NYR. I can totally understand about the cake. Left over Christmas cake just vanished from my fridge last night. My excuse was I needed syns as I hadn't any all day, but I don't think I can even justify the amount of cake I had for 15 syns! Never mind. New day, new year and just keep working at it bit by bit.

Hi there!!
iM back in the wago in Monday... Aargh! Levels of cake in my system are currently on FESTIVE levels. The withdraw, from sugar, cake and chocolate is going to be hard, but it'll all be worth it!
Hiya, popping in to subscribe! Hope you are still clinging onto the wagon...bumpy little ride for the first few days that's for sure! Hope to see you soon!
hi alice
you have made me giggle hope the long road is still going smooth for you