american slimfast


Hi everyone

I was searching online for deals on slim fast meal bars and I came across an American site that sold meal bars. In America they have lots more flavours! They have cookie dough and all sorts.

I can't find uk suppliers who sell them but I found a company in America that would ship them over.

Has anyone tried the American meal bars? Any thoughts? I'd like some new flavours as I'm getting bored.

Stephanie x
Shipping is $17.95 for 25 bars. You get 5 bars per pack instead of 4.

I think each pack works out at £4 something.

It's a bit more expensive but I think It's worth it for more variety x
That's the bars ordered! I've got: chocolate fudge brownie, cookie dough, chewy chocolate crisp and sweet & salty chocolate almond. They sound really yummy so I'm looking forward to trying them. Ill let you all know what they are like. Ill try and get some pics of them too. If I have any of the uk ones left I'll get a comparison pic. I think they are a bit smaller, but I need a change.

Ooo I weighed myself today and I've lost a total of 20lbs now!! Woo hoo. I had a couple of tough weeks but I'm back on track and seem to be losing weight steadily at 2lbs or 3lbs a week.
