And now the good bit......Maintaining!

Well back to it today after the hols! I was 8st 9.75lbs on Friday, so only a 2.25lb gain which I'm rather surprised at. Didnt go silly with food, but certainly didnt follow SW!
I've decided to follow SW during the week and then relax a wee bit at the weekend with Hubby and see how that goes maintaining my weight around 8st 7lbs.
Im not giving up my Granola and natural yogurt for brekkies, so will count it as hexb and syn the yogurt. So, you may see me making my own rules a bit, but doing it as an experiment for a few weeks with keeping an eye on my weight and see what happens. I havent really got too much of an appetite at the mo, as the painkiller I'm on for my neck is making me feel rather nauseous and I need to take it or I'm in bits!
Today will be a sort of EE with an added Hexb. Its left overs from yesterday that I couldnt eat of all and the watercress sauce is made with double cream.....eeeek! So not sure on the synage, so today a bit of a non SW day!

B/L : Granola, blackberries, banana and yogurt
D : Salmon, stir fry veggies and baby potatoes in a watercress sauce

HexA : Milk
HexB : 30g Granola
HexB : 30g Granola

Syns : ???

Weight : 8st 8.75lbs
(6th Sept weight: 8st 9.75lbs)

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Think I'll have a Green day today as have some cooked baby potatoes to use up and fancy 'fried' potatoes, beans and poached eggs for dinner. Having hair done today, so may end up with brunch which will be my Granola of course. Have 4 different lots in the cupboard now and know my fave lol!
*edit* Frittata and beans instead lol!

B : Granola, blackberries, banana and yogurt
L : Fruit
D : Frittata and baked beans

HexA : Milk
HexA :
HexB : 30g Granola
HexB : 30g Granola

Syns : 1tbsp EV olive oil 6

Weight : 8st 8.75lbs

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I've decided to not do a daily food diary from now, as I've been doing one for a few years now and feel its time to cut the cord lol! Im maintaining now so need to get some 'normality'. My aim is to follow SW strictly during the week and then loosen up a bit at the weekend when hubby home, so that should balance myself out......hopefully!!!
I'll trial it for a month or so and see how I get on and if I cant maintain between 8.7 - 8.10, I'll have a re-think and start the diary again. So, I'll go from my weight last week and see how it goes.......

6th September - 8st 9.75lbs
13th September - 8st 9.5lbs

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Mmm I love granola. What was your favourite after the thorough research? Mine has to be Lizis or Fuel brand ones :) x
Mmm I love granola. What was your favourite after the thorough research? Mine has to be Lizis or Fuel brand ones :) x

Haha, well after trying.....Dorset's, Tesco's, Lizi's, Jordan's and Mornflakes.....I would say Dorsets is first followed by Mornflakes. I do love the taste of Lizi's, but I prefer my granola in lumps and hers is a bit fine. Im working my way thru them all no problem as I have them stored in Kilner jars so they stay fresh.
Once I've worked my way thru what I have, I'm going to make my own!
Never heard of the Fuel brand....where can you get that one? x

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Good granola haul there lol!

The lizis mango and macadamia one is amazing. And for fuel I like their fruity one (they also do chocolate and but ones) it has cranberries, redcurrants, blackberries, apple, peach and strawberries in it! I have only noticed it at asda and tesco - its usual price is around £3.30 but it's often on offer for £2.

I have to eat granola with yoghurt as I could easily eat half a box of it as a bowl of cereal lol so moreish! X
Good granola haul there lol!

The lizis mango and macadamia one is amazing. And for fuel I like their fruity one (they also do chocolate and but ones) it has cranberries, redcurrants, blackberries, apple, peach and strawberries in it! I have only noticed it at asda and tesco - its usual price is around £3.30 but it's often on offer for £2.

I have to eat granola with yoghurt as I could easily eat half a box of it as a bowl of cereal lol so moreish! X

Will have a look out for the Fuel one as sounds lush.
I have granola, natural yogurt and whatever fruit I've got in and end up with a huge bowl! Decided I will never eat the low fat yogurt again after tasting the natural one when I was making the curries....what a difference in the flavour! So, I syn what I have and it only works out about 2 syns. I am quite disciplined with the granola and measure out 60g for my brekkie which is 2 hexb's.....I'm assuming it is, so I really should do a search and check, but even if its not, I aint giving it up lol! x

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Eeeek, I've put on 4.75lbs since I last weighed in 2 weeks ago......oooops!
Summer over, so SW here I come!
I've set myself a range of 8st 7lbs - 8st 11lbs, as think thats reasonable for me, so want to achieve all this, initially by Friday 29th November as hubby is having a little soiree for his 50th, but the main one is by Xmas. So need to loose 4.25lbs to get to upper end of my range and want that done by 29th November......9 weeks to go, so at my average loss of 0.5lbs a week, I should do it!

22/8/13 - 8st 7.5lbs
6/9/13 - 8st 9.75lbs
13/9/13 - 8st 9.5lbs
20/9/13 - No WI
27/9/13 - 9st 0.25lbs

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Eeeek, I've put on 4.75lbs since I last weighed in 2 weeks ago......oooops!
Summer over, so SW here I come!
I've set myself a range of 8st 7lbs - 8st 11lbs, as think thats reasonable for me, so want to achieve all this, initially by Friday 29th November as hubby is having a little soiree for his 50th, but the main one is by Xmas. So need to loose 4.25lbs to get to upper end of my range and want that done by 29th November......9 weeks to go, so at my average loss of 0.5lbs a week, I should do it!

22/8/13 - 8st 7.5lbs
6/9/13 - 8st 9.75lbs
13/9/13 - 8st 9.5lbs
20/9/13 - No WI
27/9/13 - 9st 0.5lbs

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You'll get it back down Kim, you always do!! It's goes on so damn easy?
You'll get it back down Kim, you always do!! It's goes on so damn easy?

Haha, you're right Debbie, but its well deserved so I'm not too concerned. I still feel and look 'good' in clothes, but I know I need to 'nip it in the bud' now as I dont want it to get out of hand. But thats what 'dieting' is all about, everyone's weight goes up and down, but its just getting back the control and I can do that no problems. 9st is my upper limit, any higher than that I would start to freak, but I feel very calm about it all. I dont go out powerwalking now because Charlie cant and I dont want to go out and do it on my own, so I may try out on my bike! All very pain related cos it has got worse, so more painkillers, so a more spaced out Kimbo lol!

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Oh dear another pound on, but its well deserved cos I had a choc fest this week. I've relly got to get back to it as its getting out of hand. I could very easily blame the drugs, inactivity but I think its more to do with what goes in my mouth thats not good for me.....I binged on chocolate, so that is the reason and hopefully seeing that weight has scared me into action! Hope to report a loss next week!

22/8/13 - 8st 7.5lbs
6/9/13 - 8st 9.75lbs
13/9/13 - 8st 9.5lbs
20/9/13 - No WI
27/9/13 - 9st 0.25lbs
4/10/13 - 9st 1.25lbs

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I've decided to start a diary again, as my weight is slowly creeping up and I'm starting to lose the plot a bit! So here we go again........


Brunch - granola, natural yogurt and loads of chopped fruit
Dinner - Lamb Rogan Josh and rice

HexA - milk
HexB - 30g Granola
Daily Syns - Nat yog 1, Rogan Josh 4
Wkly syns left - 100

Day 1/56 100% on plan
Weight - 9st 1.25lbs

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Think I'll go for a Red day today as fancy Fajitas for dinner. I'll be tweaking again by having a wholewheat tortilla wrap as a hexb, but I'll check on the calories first just to make sure each wrap is approx 120 calories/6 syns. Im not concerned on the fibre content because I get plenty of it in my fact I probably go over my RDI!
Deb, one of my cyber buddies on here has set me a mini challenge to be on plan 100% as I was losing the plot a bit with everything going on in my life at the mo! So, I've accepted this challenge and set myself one as well, to be on plan 100% til Hubby's 50th, so thats 8 weeks/56 days to go and I would love to be back in my target range by then. Day 1 over, 55 to go!


Brunch - 30g granola with nat yog and loadsa chopped fruit
Dinner - chicken fajitas

HexA - milk
HexA -
HexB - 30g granola
HexB - wholewheat tortilla wrap

Syns - Nat yog 1, Chicken Fajitas 15 (all the bits that goes into making it like gaucamole!), homemade crumble 10
Wkly syns - 74

Day 2/56 100 % on plan
Weight - 9st 0.75lbs

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Went over on my syns yesterday, but not a problemo cos I'm keeping an eye on them weekly. I made an apple crumble for hubby and it was pretty scrumptious so I obviously needed to have a wee bit! Over synned the piece I had as10 syns....well worth it tho!
Today I'm having a Green day as fancied a load of veggies


Brunch - 60g granola with nat yog and loadsa chopped fruit
Dinner - veggie pasta

HexA - milk
HexA - 75g light phili
HexB - 30g granola
HexB - 30g granola

Syns - nat yogurt 1, olive oil 3, muller light dessert 5
Wkly syns left - 65

Day 3/56 100 % on plan
Weight - no wi

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Going to have the same menu today, as have dinner left over from yesterday. So not a very exciting day!


Brunch - 60g granola with nat yog and loadsa chopped fruit
Dinner - veggie pasta

HexA - milk
HexA - 75g light phili
HexB - 30g granola
HexB - 30g granola

Syns - nat yogurt 1, olive oil 3, 2 alpen lights 7
Wkly syns left - 54

Day 4/56 100 % on plan
Weight - 9st 0.75lbs

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I seem to be bouncing around with the same half a pound, as I'm up half this morning from yesterday. I really do think its the meds I'm on, cos its certainly not the food! Its not actually the drug, its the side effects of drugs that can make you gain weight.......increase in appetite is the main one, but luckily I havent got that, I've just got the constipation! I've now upped the laxatives to 3 each at night instead of the normal dose of 2 each drug.....take Senna and Ducloeeze. Sorry bit much info for this time of the morning.
I have no interest in doing any exercise either, cos I know that it will hurt afterwards, so I think my brain has shutdown to the thought of doing any! Weirdly tho, I felt slimmer this morning....oh well! Will see how this weeks WI goes and if no likey, I'll have a week of red next week.


Brunch - granola with nat yog and loadsa chopped fruit
Dinner - twice baked potato and baked beans

HexA - milk
HexA - 75g light phili
HexB - 30g granola
HexB - 40g lf cheese

Syns - nat yog 1, muller light dessert 5, choc 10
Wkly syns left - 38

Day 5/56 100 % on plan
Weight - 9st 1.25lbs

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Having the same food as yesterday as cooked double bumpers and I do love a twiced baked potato


Brunch - granola with nat yog and loadsa chopped fruit
Dinner - twice baked potato and baked beans

HexA - milk
HexA - 75g light phili
HexB - 30g granola
HexB - 40g lf cheese

Syns - nat yog 1,
Wkly syns left - 37

Day 6/56 100 % on plan

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Good morning Kim :)

Food looks yummy!!! I love a good baked potato.

I just discover the muller breakfast granola corners are only 4 syns so I might give them a go.

Morning Nikki.
Why not do what I do for breakfast and it would be a lot more filling and yummier than a muller breakfast corner x

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Dug around in the feeezer for some freezer meals and I found a Thai veggie curry, so another Green day today and it means I can have 2 hexb's on granola.....yipee!


Brunch - granola with nat yog and loadsa chopped fruit
Dinner - Thai veggie cuury with brown rice and peas

HexA - milk
HexA - 75g light phili
HexB - 30g granola
HexB - 30g granola

Syns - nat yog 1, muller chocolate dessert 5
Wkly syns left - 27

Day 7/56 100% on plan

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