Annoying things

Yeah really can't get over that, honestly some people are so petty, closed minded and nasty. Doubt she's little miss perfect herself!
Yay, a thread that shows me i'm not the only one, just read some of the posts out to hubby and feel quite reassured that i'm not going mad!!!
I have a thing about noisy eaters, i always have done, even when i was small i can't bear being able to hear other people eat it actually makes me angry and i have to remove myself from the situation if possible. Hubster slurps soup, bashes cutlery against his teeth, eats crisps with his mouth open and i've actually stopped buying ice cream as he can't eat it properly. He puts a load of ice cream on his spoon, puts it in his mouth then takes it out again. I swear to God i could beat him to death with the nearest object to hand when he does that. He also licks his knife and once licked the plate after dinner and i nearly smashed the plate over his head. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY do i have such a volatile reaction to food noises?? OMG, it's making me angry even typing about it. I have a certain obsession with a sports star but i would lose all of that if i ever saw him eat with his mouth open, it would put me off for life. I think i've got a screw loose, whoop whoop!!!
I have no problem with people eating around me, nor do the smell bother me. It's the noises. The ones that they make like they're snuffling for truffles, the slapping of lips and the clicking of a jaw. Aaaargh. My mum eats so ladylike, but there is a certain noise she does when eating ceraeals. I just have to get up and leave. Or heave.
Snuffling for truffles hahahahha that is exactly what I need to listen to every day. Oh Birdy you do make me laugh out loud.
i am not too bad with food eating now that i am diet. But i dont stay in room when hubby etas. I have always hated noisy eaters and those who smake thier lips when eating- good to see others dont like it eioter. My hubby eats noilsy and quickly - they do in turkey and it is like he bites his spoon. Also hwne he eats hard stuff i hate cruncy noises. Person who sits opp me at work is also on adiet but Sw and so she is eating healthy but crubchy noises of carrots are drving me mad. I know that awful nad u cant eat then any other way.!!
hee hee i love this thread, me too I HATE noisy eaters (but afer reading this I'm praying i'm not one and I havent realised haha) but yes girl who sits opposite me at works aid to me in my 3rd or 4th day (luckily I was on the massive surge on ketosis and energy and happiness at this moment waved a minging scabby biscuit in front of me and went mmmm bet you want one of these go on have one t wont hurt you...

I just replied hmm no thanks i'll pass i'm not hungry and havent been for the last so and so days

anyway 3 weeks in 1 stone down and shes still a little porky (but shes on a diet - yeah right..)

ha i love it
arghhhhh the sound of cutlery scraping on teeth is enough to make me ill --- awful noise!