Another newbie with some questions

hi guys, i started xenical yesterday, and no side effects at all, had about 22g of fat all pleased so far and WAS feeling really motivated, but i ((stupidly)) got on the scales - i havent lost anything! i know its only been a day, but surely there should be SOME change?? or should i just quit the serial weighing and not weigh til my WI next wed?
Its only one day, and besides our weight fluctuates daily ( due to fluid changes). I think its unrealistic to see a weightloss within 24 hours, so yes I think you should quit with the serial weighing. Stick to once a week, same time of day, and with roughly the same clothes. I weigh once a week, on a Monday morning, first thing ( and just after I've been to the loo ;)).
I know its really hard not to become obsessive about weighing ourselves all the time (been there, got the tshirt :rolleyes:), but really we dont do ourselves any favours by doing it.
Hang in there :)
thanks alibalibee! you're right! think im gonna throw the scales out! lol! just scared im not doing things right...after years of yo-yo dieting im SO confused at whats good / bad and dont want the disappointment of no weight loss at WI!

Gonna make a promise to stay off the scales for a week at least!