Any advice/ input on my idea?


Full Member
Okay so i did cambridge again, and managed to get down from 10.7 to 9.1...i had 4 days off and went up to 9.6....however i have a plan.

I was thinking that i could do cambridge in the week really strict...and most the weekend but have two meals a week where i have what i want (within reason) just until i get to my goal. I know this is not recommended but i just think it fits into my lifestyle a lot more than 100%. Im teetering around my aim...being about 7 lbs off and i dont mind the last 7 taking longer.

Anyone doing similar to this or know anyone that has done? xxx
The method that you are considering... being good during the week and then eating more conventionally at weekend is simillar to a diet that is very big in the US with business folk. I think it might be called 'Fit for Life' diet.

I think that the problem is just human biology. By going into Ketosis, you remove that physical hunger as you body turns to your fat layers for energy. What you are suggesting will be asking your body to flip flop between the two states.
I don't wish to be too judgemental but it strikes me that you aren't dealing with the fundamental issues of making healthy choices - there is nothing wrong with looking for a better way but I fear that you might be playing jeopardy with yourself rather than stumbling accross the way forward.
I hope that my twopeneth doesn't cause any offence as none is intended. I offer my advice as a person who spent 6 months in abstinence and lost over 10stone in weight and then went and put it all back on because I failed to make the real changes that I needed to make.
I would say wither do one of the other plans or do SS. I tried to do what u are thikning of doing and in the week i was starving due to knocking myself out of ketosis with the meals i was having. Why dont u do 810 plan??? xxx