Any advice on Shift Work

Hello, I work for the beloved NHS and work 12.5hr shifts a mixture of days and nights. Just wondering if anyone has any tips for working night shifts. I've just restarted today and am on a night shift tonight - this would have normally been my excuse to put off starting the diet for a couple of days but I AM DETERMINED this time.

So my plan is - I've had my morning shake, I'll have a shake this afternoon and then one when in work between 20.00-23.00. Then just water and tea's (black and green tea - erggh lol). Then have a shake in the morning before bed, one when I wake and again another one when in work. My thinking is then that I'm still having the shakes at around the same time wether I'm a day or night shift. Last time I used to have them at stupid o'clock and then the next day was messed up therefore most days I'd just end up having two shakes which to me leads to cheating and just not being good for you.

Does that sound like a good plan???

Thanks Stacey
It does indeed Stacey :) as long as you have three shakes a day & drink 2-4 litres of water it's all good & ps you drink some peppermint tea of that's any better :) x
Thanks Chan, yeah love my peppermint tea - I add my chocolate shake to it so I have a hot minty chocolate shake. Nice as a change x
Hi :) Just noseying through the site and getting to gri[ps with everything (ish!) my Pharmacist gave me the Fibreclear sachets and said that if i got peckish to use a spoon in a drink and it would help with hunger pangs. As i work some long days i thought it sounded like a pretty good plan, have you tried this?

Thanks and good luck :) xxx