Anybody else on their first weigh in today? IT ACTUALLY WORKS!!!! :)

Right - I am going to do the shred on Saturday and try to do it a couple of times a week. Have you had a look for one yet? Someone said to me its on youtube so maybe you could use that until you get one!

Hey ladies and gents!!! Ive just had my first weigh in- and ive lost 8lbs!!!!! I honestly cannot believe it!! I burst into tears!! How can i have eaten so so much and have lost so much weight!
Just wanted to let anybody whos wondering whether or not to try this diet-DO IT!!! IT WORKS!!!!!!! :) SO SO SO HAPPY!!!!!!
Anybody else on their first weigh in today??


Wow, Well done. I was just browsing, I need to lose about 2 stones, my baby is 9 months now but I haven't lost anything or even tried properly,but after reading this I'm going to give slimming world a try :D xx