Anyone else weigh at home on a thursday- wanna post?

Well done everyone on their losses,and pebs I'm sure you will loose loads next week :)

It's funny how different foods affect different people,I only ever do green as I find red days too expensive!
But maybe that would explain my slow losses ?
Well I weighed a sneaky one this morning and a lb off at last , after tonight's beans egg and chips with mushy peas it'll be another 2off by about 4am lol.

Think i'll eat mushy peas and beans every day if that's the results.

I've hardly had much to eat today as in such pain with my ibs.

This afternoon i've made and decorated 60 cupcakes for my nephew's first birthday party tomorrow.........and i haven't eaten one.....not even a little taste :D

How's everyone's weekend going? Enjoying the sun?

HP x
pebbles67 said:
Been to chessington world of adventures . Off to Brighton tomorrow.

U get about mrs, spa 1 wkend, adventure park the next :)
I had a day in town with my friend today, was good to catch up, lovely girl but a terribly unhealthy eater. But i managed to stay well on plan, so im really pleased about that :-D
Been really down since coming back from my spa weekend last week . Always happens , back to the 'same dog different spots' life . really looking forward to tomoro though off to Brighton with oh and kids and having Chinese buffet on way home . My little girls birthday soon and I'm Taking her there cos they have a chocolate fountain. Yum
Sounds lovely Pebs! We haven't had any of that nice weather here- just constant rain - has me all depressed! That said, I'm planning my week's meals watching Ireland play great rugby! And I'm hoping to get a new microwave today - Aldi have a decent looking one in. And I get a loan of a slowcooker from my sister, so I'm off to find some recipes to try in that!!
If you find any slow cooker recipes sus make sure to pass them on please,I can't seem to find any that please everyone in my house !!!
pebbles67 said:
Been really down since coming back from my spa weekend last week . Always happens , back to the 'same dog different spots' life . really looking forward to tomoro though off to Brighton with oh and kids and having Chinese buffet on way home . My little girls birthday soon and I'm Taking her there cos they have a chocolate fountain. Yum

Oh pebs hope you feel better soon xx
My youngest is 4 on Saturday so I've been searching everywhere for this certain power ranger toy which I can't find anywhere :( x